by Mario Vega
One of the elements we have learned in the Elim church about working with cells is that you can always keep improving. The cell model can always be improved. I am not talking about changing models, but of making small adjustments to the existing one.
The improvement process can be summarized in the following four steps:
1. Start your cell work.
2. Evaluate the results.
3. Make corrections to whatever is needed.
4. Go back to number one.
This cycle of correction and progress is key to give definition and dynamism to the cellular work. The elements that have been corrected or improved by this simple procedure are countless.
What do you think of this? What has been your experience?
Mario Vega
Translation in Spanish
La búsqueda permanente de la excelencia.
Uno de los elementos que hemos aprendido en iglesia Elim sobre el trabajo con células es que siempre se puede ir mejorando. El modelo celular es suceptible de merjoramiento todo el tiempo. No hablo de cambio de modelos sino de pequeños ajustes del modelo que se tiene.
El proceso de mejoramiento puede resumirse en los siguientes cuatro pasos:
1- Inicie su trabajo celular.
2- Evalúe los resultados.
3- Corrija lo que sea necesario.
4- Vuelva al número uno.
Éste ciclo de corrección y avance es clave para darle al trabajo celular definición y dinamismo. Seran incontables los elementos que se han corregido o mejorado por éste sencillo procedimiento.
¿Qué piensa de esto?
I appreciate this blog Mario. Often in my journey of transition to, and development of Cells, I have needed “permission” from an experienced leader. It was important to me to have someone tell me that it was “okay” to make changes that could bring improvement. Some of us had been taught that exact duplication of a model was the only way to succeed. This hindrance was removed for me by other leaders speaking into my life and thereby giving me “permission” to grow beyond the restrictions imposed by inexperience and insecurity.