Lend Me Your Hands

by | Nov 5, 2008 | Cell Church Ministry | 0 comments

Hands lifted.jpgJeff Tunnellby Jeff Tunnell


We believe in God, that He is on His throne and that prayer changes things.  I humbly request our blog readers to pause, lend me your lifted hands, and make requests for the further strengthening of our own Joel Comiskey, ministering this week in Hong Kong, AND Pastor Mario Vega who begins his week-long Cell church conference next week.  These servants of God would benefit from your intercession and an encouraging comment from you today.  I do not think them to be discouraged or weak right now, I simply think that lending them your hands, lifted up without wrath or doubting, would bolster their excellent work for the kingdom of God.  They give so much to us; resourcing the world-wide cell church, blogging faithfully, serving tirelessly and stretching our vision for effective ministry through cells.  Let’s sow a little back today.

Visit our home page www.joelcomiskeygroup.com and follow the link to “A Day with Joel Comiskey and Mario Vega” coming in February 2009.  This opportunity to participate face-to-face in a limited attendance setting is fast approaching.  Click through the link and enroll soon!  Or if it suits you better, check out the link to “Basic Principles of Cell Ministry” with Rob Campbell & Steve Cordle, also in February 2009.pouring Coffee 1.jpg

 I’ll be at both, and happy to pour your coffee, while you soak up the information and inspiration you need! 


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Jeff Tunnell is a JCG board member, pastor emeritus, and cell church advocate.
