by Jeff Tunnell
I am appreciating the recent blogs that address underlying reasons for cell ministry approaches to our communities and the world. The comments are lively and we certainly expect the “give and take” from our blog readers and ministry leaders from around the world. Much can be gained from our conversations.
We need a steady rudder to help us hold course in times of change. Rob Campbell recommended “Transitions” to us last week (I’m almost finished Rob!). Conditions change, circumstances change, people change, approaches to ministry change, even leadership qualifications are altered to “fit” new times. Church planting, reorganizing existing cell structures and how to accomplish the celebration of cells within a geographic or political confine are part of our discussion.
Decentrailization of leadership for multiplication of ministry is a strong rudder. Close supervision of cell leaders must be maintained to keep the purity of our mission and message. Bringing guidance and correction is one way of staying on course. Not everyone can be the captain of the ship. Planting new churches, and organinzing a community of believers must consider the quality of leaders and their loyalty to the Captain of the ship!
HOLD the rudder steady! Keep to biblical standards for leaders while keeping the goal of evangelism and growth of His Kingdom on your horizon. Set your course and stay with it, don’t just chase a better wind OR let the wind blow you off course. Sail through to your God-given destination with confidence.
How are you holding to your course? What are some of your rudders in seasonal changes?