by Mario Vega
Besides keeping a low number of people in the cell and practicing love, there is a third element that can be added that will facilitate reaching intimacy: time
When we review the stories about the first church in the book of Acts, it’s clear that the first Christians met in houses not only once per week but every day (Acts 2:46; 5:42). And it was not only an occasional and brief meeting, but they shared their food eating together everyday.
Obviously, it’s not about transferring the 1st century Mediterranean culture to the XXI century western world; but it is important to learn the lesson that teaches that establishing friendly relationships with other Christians and new converts is an effort that demands time. That effort played a key role in the lives of early Christians.
The geographical organization of the cell work can be a factor that facilitates the interaction between members of a cell. They can have fellowship not only during the cell meeting but on a daily basis. Those who grow in intimacy pay the price and spend the time getting to know each other.
El tiempo que conduce a la intimidad.
Además de un número reducido de personas y de la práctica del amor como elementos facilitadores de la intimidad es posible añadir un tercer elemento: el tiempo.
Al examinar los relatos del libro de Los Hechos sobre la primera iglesia es evidente que los cristianos se reuna en las casas no solamente una vez por semana sino que todos los das (Hch. 2:46; 5:42). Y no solamente era una reunión ocasional y breve sino que compartan los alimentos comiendo juntos diariamente.
Obviamente, no se trata de trasladar la cultura mediterránea del siglo I al mundo occidental del siglo XXI; pero, s es importante aprender la lección de cómo el establecer relaciones de amistad con otros cristianos o nuevos convertidos es un esfuerzo que demanda tiempo. Ese esfuerzo posea un lugar esencial en la vida de los primeros cristianos.
La organización geográfica del trabajo celular puede ser un factor que facilite la interacción entre miembros de una célula. Ellos pueden tener comunión no solamente durante la reunión de célula sino en el diario vivir. Solamente llegan a conocerse las personas que se compenetran. Y solamente se logran compenetrar quienes reservan tiempo para ese propósito.
I really appreciate your practical insights. In our fast paced society, there is nothing more valuable to us than our time. It takes time to develop relationships. When we give our time we are saying that the relationship matters to us. When the cell gathers in my neighborhood, I am able to connect more often and on a regular basis. The relationship can grow outside of the cell gathering.
Thanks for all the practical things you share.
Bill Mellinger