by Rob Campbell
Economic pundits are suggesting that 2009 is going to be a challenging year in many arenas. Indeed, many American churches have felt the downturn of the economy. Staff have been laid off. Ministries have been cut. New initiatives have been placed on hold. Futuristic predictions abound; yet, no one really knows what will happen in the days to come. Only ONE knows and that would be our Sovereign Lord.
In these days, I have encouraged my church family to be securely fastened and anchored in God’s Word. As a matter of fact, our theme for 2009 is “Strands.” Eccl. 4:12: Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
The idea is that every church member would “be a strand” and come together with two other people to form a cord. I have encouraged the strands to utilize the One Year Chronological Bible as the primary resource. The strands would read each day (individually) and come together once a week to discuss the scriptures. Like you, I’ve seen a lot of discipleship materials, but why not have your people utilize the very word of God? God is the author!
Maybe strand time could be incorporated/integrated in your current cell gathering. Maybe you could have a “seeker” who has not yet begun his/her relationship with Christ who would “strand” with you each week. What an opportunity! Maybe your time is limited, but you have the opportunity to have an ongoing E-strand (email or blog site) dialogue with a few other individuals.
A recent survey cites that 63% of Americans cannot name five of the ten commandments. Further, the same survery indicates that 50% of American high school students think Sodom and Gomorrah were married. My gracious!
In closing, may I encourage you to be a strand….and form a cord. We need to experience the scriptures in community. We need accountability from others. We need to daily ingest the Word of God.
Rob, this is fantastic! Will your weekly messages coincide with the passages read that week as well? We’ve picked up the Chronological Bibles for youth for this year also. Very practical advice, and tremendously needed as you indicate.
Jeff~ Thanks for the question. My messages will NOT coincide with the passages read that week. However, that could easily be done. Another possibility would be to blog on your church’s website some insights that you have as you read. Further, your church members could do the same!
Hi Rob, I love your strand vision. Do you know Neil Cole? I have always loved his Life Transformation Group vision which is the same as the strand idea. I’m really excited to finally meet you next month at Myrtle Beach!