by Jeff Tunnell
If you are reading the blog on the JCG website, look above and find the tab labled “Articles”. If you click this tab it will direct you to a resource page that has a left column menu showing a link called Cell Coaching. Click that title and you will see 15, count them, fifteen, articles on a topic in which we have demonstrated some interest over the last three weeks. You can read these as you have time and benefit greatly on the subject of Coaching.
The one that stands out to me is Spend Time with the Coach of coaches. Three reasons why I am attracted to this article:
- I agree with Joel as he says, “I’m convinced that the most important book I’ve ever written is called An Appointment with the King. I believe in Appointment with the King so much because it focuses on how to have a daily quiet time with God, getting know His person, His Word, and His presence.” For me this book is Joel’s best (so far)!
- Of all the spiritual disciplines, daily fellowship with the Father is threatened most often by a leader’s busyness. Coaches MUST have time with God or we will fall into the trap of applying our own “earthly” wisdom to coaching needs instead of the wisdom that comes down from heaven. James 3:17 Let’s guard our daily quiet time with our Father.
- I welcomed our most recent addition to the Tunnell family into the world on Tuesday. Dawson was born to my son & daughter-in-law and when he arrived, he brought this reminder: the Father loves to simply hold us and we should love to be held. Thanks Dawson, you have already begun to teach your grandfather a most important truth!
Next blog will come from Myrtle Beach and the “Day with Joel Comiskey and Mario Vega”. I am so excited to be attending the event along with our other Coaches and Bloggers, Rob Campbell and Steve Cordle! Pray for us as we meet for the Annual JCG Board Meeting. Thanks.
Jeff, I’m truly thrilled with this comment:
I welcomed our most recent addition to the Tunnell family into the world on Tuesday. Dawson was born to my son & daughter-in-law and when he arrived, he brought this reminder: the Father loves to simply hold us and we should love to be held. Thanks Dawson, you have already begun to teach your grandfather a most important truth!