JCG meeting and Day with Joel and Mario

by | Feb 22, 2009 | Uncategorized | 2 comments


Celyce and I leave on Monday morning for Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, where we’ll participate in the Joel Comiskey Group (JCG) board meeting (Tuesday and Thursday), and Day with Joel and Mario (Wednesday).

You who are reading this blog know that our main ministry and accountability structure is through JCG. Once each year we come together to pray, build relationships, and plan for the future. On Tuesday, each of us will share from the following four categories: biggest success, biggest Aha moment, what’s working, and greatest challenge. We’ll also share our top three intimacy needs (e.g., encouragement, acceptance, comfort, etc.) and then take time to pray. On Thursday, we’ll dig into vision, goals, and decisions for 2009 and beyond. Please do pray that we might make God-anointed decisions for the upcoming year.

Please also pray for the Day with Joel and Mario. All six board members will be actively participating in this Wednesday event, along with the twelve pastors and leaders who will come specifically for this day. We have planned a very dynamic, interactive time for all participants. Yet, our plans will go nowhere apart from the anointing of the Spirit of God. Please pray for God’s fruit and blessing over each aspect of this first-time event. 

I want to take time to thank the bloggers on this site: Rob Campbell, Jeff Tunnell, Mario Vega, and Steve Cordle. I love the fact that each of the bloggers come from a different size cell church (e.g., 11 cells-Joel, 28 cells-Jeff, 80 cells-Steve, 125 cells-Rob, and 11,000 cells-Mario).

I WANT TO ALSO THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION. We treasure your feedback and appreciate your partnership.

God has great things ahead for all of us in 2009!

Joel Comiskey


  1. Angela

    Joel, I feel extremely blessed to have been coached by you. It has made such a tremendous difference in my life and ministry. I pray that your Day with Joel and Mario is amazing and that each participant would be impacted. Wish I could have been there.

  2. Angela

    I also want to say that I immensely enjoy the blog. Each participant shares such great insight.


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Joel Comiskey, Ph.D., founder of JCG Resources
