How to be Perfectly Miserable

by | Mar 10, 2009 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

by Rob Campbell

In this day and time, it would be easy to choose being miserable.  Years ago, I ran across a list entitled “How to be Perfectly Miserable.”  I don’t know the origin of the list, but I do want to share it with you.  Here’s a few things you can do that will not only make you perfectly miserable but also keep you that way.

Think about yourself…Talk about yourself…Use the personal pronoun “I” as often as possible in your conversations…Mirror yourself continually in the opinion of others…Listen greedily to what people say about you…Insist on consideration and respect…Demand agreement with your own views on everything…Sulk if people are not grateful to you for favors shown them…Never forget a service you may have rendered …Expect to be appreciated…Be suspicious…Be sensitive to slights…Be jealous and envious…Never forget a criticism…Trust nobody but yourself.

A journeyman walking down a miserable path is inward focused.  He’s not others-centered.  One will never find himself until he/she focuses on the needs of others.

The scriptures proclaim, “Encourage one another.”  Cell gathering and cell life are incredible platforms for encouragement to flow.  God, indeed, is the “lifter of our head.”  How God wants to use you to lift up the head of your fellow cell members!


1 Comment

  1. Grayson Belvin


    I’m offended. As I read this all I could think about was the fact that I wasn’t mentioned in this post. I demand some respect here. I’ve been working for you for years, and I don’t even know if anyone cares. Do you know how much I’ve done over the years? Other people appreciate me. I’m beginning to wonder if there’s an ulterior motive here. It seems like everyone else gets recognition and they don’t even do anything. Ever since you were wrong and tried to correct me, I’m not sure I can trust you (or anyone else)! And, here you are trying to blame me for my own misery. Don’t you know its always the senior pastor’s fault! There’s really no one else to blame. It’s time I took car of “Number 1.”

    Tongue Firmly Planted in Cheek,

    (yes, I’m joking)


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Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell, Director of Mission Advancement, Makarios,, Founding Pastor of Cypress Creek Church
