
by | Apr 22, 2009 | Uncategorized | 4 comments

coach-tunnellby Jeff Tunnell

Aprill 22, 1984, (Easter Sunday 25 years ago), was my first service as Pastor of Big Bear Christian Center.  Two weeks before that, on the day we announced my appointment to the congregation, the Lord sent an out-of-town minister who spoke to me prophetically:  “I have made you a dreamer.”  As the words entered my mind, I formed a picture of my dream for the church that I had been part of since 1971.  In my mind’s eye I saw a local elementary school that I was “dreaming” for as a ministry center.  In fact, I had been driving through its parking lot regularly to reinforce my dream.  As my hopes rose to meet this prophetic moment in faith, I believed that God was about to confirm that my dream would become a reality.  What a foundation for my new pastorate!  But…

Then the prophet added, “But, I am going to do something even bigger than what you have dreamed!”  At those words, my mental image of the school vaporized.  I could not imagine anything bigger than me leading this congregation into a building that was outlandish and impossible for such a small group of pe0ple.  So I asked HIM to establish HIS dream in me.

These many years later I have come to understand more clearly.  God can reach my community exponentially through cell-structured evangelism and multiplicaiton!  The buildings exist; homes, offices and yes, even schools.  But God is not restricted by needing buildings BEFORE reaching people.  HE has been gracious to me in reshaping my “dream” to embrace one that includes healthy cells that multiply.

As I quietly celebrate 25 years as Pastor of one church, I am amazed at HIS faithfulness!  Onward to the next 25!


  1. Joel Comiskey

    Brother, I was so honored to be at your 25th anniversary. it was so evident to the multitude who attended that ceremony that GOD has been fulfilling HIS DREAM in you beyond your wildest expectations. Keep pressing ahead, brother.

  2. Johnson O

    Pastor Jeff, the years of your ministry are a true testimony of the goodness and faithfulness of God over you. Your labour of love is a delight to Him.

    In our home we have seen the 21st century model of church exploding exponentially through families, friends and all kinds of small groups. Certainly it is a blessing that is released beyond the realm of the imagination of man.

    May you see greater increase and effectiveness in the Kingdom. Your blogs are a ‘fab’ encouragement.

    God Bless!

  3. Michael Sove

    Jeff, May God continue to bless you in the days ahead. You are an example to all of us for “Sticking with the dream in the long haul.” Thank you for your example of faithfulness and follow-thru.

  4. Jeff Tunnell

    Each of you are “most kind”, thank you.


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Jeff Tunnell is a JCG board member, pastor emeritus, and cell church advocate.
