Cell Church and the Flu Epidemic

by | May 7, 2009 | Uncategorized | 0 comments


by Mario Vega

Since the recent outbreak of human influenza type A H1N1, the authorities took preventive measures to limit the number of public meetings.

In Mexico, where the outbreak first took place, soccer matches were canceled. Projections of films, musicals, theater, and all type of activities that concentrate groups of people were not allowed to take place. Churches, considered within the realm of “public meetings,” were also cancelled.  Since last Sunday, the authorities took the measure of suspending the services of churches located in infection concentrated areas.

Some of these churches were cell churches, which we at Elim associate with. Through phone calls, they informed us that services in the church building were suspended, but that the cells continued to meet.

Because cells are small groups of people, there are no sanitary impediments for their continued meeting. Rather, they provide hope and protection for those seeking God in the midst of the epidemic. Even though church buildings are closed, the cells remain open to receive the thirsty for Christ. The cell church model makes all of this possible.



Translation into Spanish:

Células en tiempo de influenza.

A partir del reciente brote de influenza humana tipo A H1N1, se han comenzado a tomar medidas de prevención. Parte de ellas es la de limitar las reuniones muy numerosas de personas.

En México, donde se produjo el brote, los partidos de fútbol se realizan a estadio cerrado. También se cancelaron proyecciones de pelculas, obras musicales o de teatro y todo tipo de actividad que concentre grupos de personas.

Dentro de ello, también entran en cuenta las iglesias. A partir del domingo pasado se tomó la medida de suspender los cultos en iglesias ubicadas en focos de contagio. Algunas de esas iglesias son celulares y amigas nuestras. En llamadas telefónicas nos han informado que los cultos en el local están suspendidos; pero, siguen reuniéndose en las células.

Dado que las células son grupos pequeños de personas, no existen impedimentos sanitarios para que continúen reuniéndose. De esa manera, se da atención a las personas que, en medio de esta epidemia, buscan a Dios como esperanza y protección. A pesar que los edificios de las iglesias están cerrados, las casas de los cristianos siguen abiertas para recibir a los sedientos por Cristo. Todo esto no sera posible fuera del modelo celular.


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Mario Vega

Mario Vega

Senior leader for Elim International, www.elim.org.sv
