Grace-driven Ministry

by | May 17, 2009 | Uncategorized | 5 comments

joelI just got back from a ministry trip in New Jersey to celebrate the 5th year anniversary of Grace Christian Church (pastor Jeff Barbieri). I met with the cell JEFFleaders on Saturday night and preached on Sunday. Jeff and I excitedly talked about his equipping track. He is passioante about helping his members understand who they are in Christ and is a student of the “exchanged life” (the modern day Keswick movement). Jeff has designed a first-class equipping course that takes all members through a deeper understanding of their identity and identification in Christ.

Jeff believes that effective cell ministry flows naturally from leaders and members who are set free in Christ. If a cell leader, for example, doesn’t know he or she is fully forgiven, it’s hard to be transparent with the members.

We both agreed that a lot of cell literature is very TO DO oriented: “you have to build relationships,” “you have to evangelize more.” The grace-filled life, however, recognizes that Christ accomplishes these things through us. As we’re filled with Jesus, the overflow is to build relationships, witness, etc. Do you agree?

I told Jeff that he needed to publish his training track (and other books on the subject), so the rest of the cell church can benefit from them. In fact, you might want to contact Jeff, asking him about his training track and his passion for teaching on God’s grace.




  1. Ray

    Thanks Joel –this excites me. I have contacted Pastor Jeff for more information.


  2. Galen

    “As we’re filled with Jesus, the overflow is to build relationships, witness, etc. Do you agree?”

    Ac 2:42
    Apostles doctrine = Matt 28:19 teach how to obey commandments
    Fellowship = John 13:34 new commandment, love one another
    Break bread = Luke 22:19 do this
    Prayers = John 16:24 ask … in my name, that your joy be made full

    Ac 2:46-47 Together and … in their homes, … glad and generous hearts, praising God … the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.

    This is the normal pattern. Churches that forbid or neglect the protasis lose apodosis. Cells are about the only way to regain normal Christianity.

  3. Michael Sove

    Jeff, So gald to hear this report and see a photo of you. May God richly bless you! This are great in Maryland and I’m blessed to know that Joel is a mutual acquaintance of our and a great mentor as well!

  4. Walter Yanes.

    hermano Joel minombre es Walter Yanes y este mes de Junio tenemos un comgreso para lideres celulares, y nosgustaria tenerlo a usted como conferencista. Estamos ubicados en Santa Ana california en el condado de Orange, Espero su respuesta pronto somos una iglesia con 150 celulas.

  5. Joel Comiskey

    Hola Walter, acabo de mandarte un email. Perdóname. Recibí tu email durante una conferencia (me parece) y se me olvidó responder. Dios te bendiga,



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Joel Comiskey, Ph.D., founder of JCG Resources
