Win Them To You

by | May 21, 2009 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

coach-tunnellby Jeff Tunnell

Win them to YOU, win them to your cell family, win them to JESUS!

The relational component of INVITE is of the utmost importance.  Yes there are strategic moments in a person’s life that will foster greater openness to your invitation (stressed, loss of health, bad marriage, loss of job, recent move), but establishing a relationship touches the need of most people.

The statement “people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care” is powerful insight and guidance.

I think that men have more difficulty with building relationships than women and that we tend toward “conquering” more than serving, fixing more than caring, being right more than being present.  Those attitudes are like hurdles on the runners track that must be cleared in order to win (the other person’s heart)!

Need to go, I have a cell with 12 other local pastors to be at in a few minutes – now there’s a small group I love!

1 Comment

  1. Charles Chalson

    Great counsel, Jeff. Thank you!

    We men must continue to remind each other of the commands of Christ. To love, encourage, care and pray for one another must be our lifestyle. A Spirit-led cell allows the heart of God to minister to us and through us.

    Lord, continue to draw us into your presence, where we will know and feel Your love. May Your love flow through us to love and care for others.


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Jeff Tunnell is a JCG board member, pastor emeritus, and cell church advocate.
