by Mario Vega
One of the greatest gaps in our model for several years was that we did not have an appropriate training course for leaders. Our model took care of the people for four weeks after their conversion, but then they were left on their own for several months, waiting for them to have the sufficient maturity to be trained as leaders.
Obviously, those months of waiting were fatal, representing the loss of rich human potential. For several years I was aware of it and started reading the various training materials that existed. At the end, I concluded that we had to make our own.
I developed our training and started to implement it a year ago. It is a training course that lasts six months. It takes every person from conversion to leadership. After the first year of implementing it, we have had very satisfactory results. We have managed to train over 400 new leaders.
However, because of the year’s desertions, the positive growth has been 256 new leaders. We hadn’t had such good growth for several years. The attendance increase has been around 5,000 new attendees in cells during this same period.
Now, I have no doubt that although the training course requires time and dedication, it is very worthwhile. I’ve discovered a direct correlation between the focus on training and the development of leaders, groups, and attendance.
Translation in Spanish:
El entrenamiento de lderes.
Uno de los grandes vacos de nuestro modelo por varios años fue que no tenamos un curso de capacitación para lderes apropiado. Nuestro modelo cuidaba de las personas durante cuatro semanas después de su conversión pero luego se les dejaba durante varios meses esperando a que tuviesen la madurez suficiente para capacitarse como lderes.
Obviamente, esos meses de espera eran fatales y representaba la pérdida de un rico potencial humano. Por varios años estuve consciente de ello y comencé a leer los diversos materiales de capacitación que existen. Al final, llegué a la conclusión que debamos elaborar uno propio.
Lo hice y lo implementamos hace un año. Es un curso de entrenamiento que dura seis meses. Toma todo nuevo cristiano desde su conversión hasta llevarle al liderazgo. Después de este primer año hemos tenido resultados muy satisfactorios. Logramos capacitar a más de 400 nuevos lderes. Sin embargo, por las deserciones del año el crecimiento positivo ha sido de 256 nuevos lderes. Tal ritmo de crecimiento no lo habamos tenido en varios años. El incremento en asistencia ha sido alrededor de 5,000 nuevos asistentes a células en el año.
Ahora, no tengo ninguna duda que aunque el curso de entrenamiento demanda tiempo y dedicación vale la pena. Mientras más se invierte esfuerzo en la formación de lderes mayores serán los resultados.
Does your new training bring a person *through* cell group leadership into doing far more for God such as church planting or becoming a full time missionary?
That would be very cool indeed, and you’ll get all the leadership you need for the cell structure as the church grows and expands.
Wow, Mario, I’m impressed with your new training. 250+ new leaders is amazing! Please continue to tell us more. . .
Mario, thsi sounds pretty impressive and somethign that every church should embark upon.
Could you please le ttme knwo as to how I coudl get my hands on to yoru training material (English version).
Thank you Mario for your leadership in the Body of Christ. You are a pioneer who has successfully crossed territory for God, showing the way for those who follow.
May all of your pastors be blessed and fruitful; your cell leaders solid and prosperous!
Brother Mario, thank you for your wonderful example in leadership. There is a great need for training materials in spanish. I am a missionary church planter that works in a one of the largest cities in Mexico. Would it be possible to obtain the materials in Spanish?
Hermano Mario, gracias por su ejemplo maravilloso en el liderazgo. Hay una gran necesidad de materials de entrenamiento en el Español. Soy un misionero plantador de iglesias quien trabaja en una de las ciudades más grandes de México. ¿SerÃa posible obtener los materiales en el Español?
Hey, Mario, many are asking for these materials. Is it possible for you to reproduce these materials and sell them to those who are interested? Perhaps they could be reproduced in English and Spanish? I really believe that people would be willing to pay for something that is obviously producing so much fruit in your own church. . .