Jeff Tunnell
” Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12 NIV
This week welcomes the arrival of Rob Hastings, our new staff man. I have seen the power of the above verse at work in me and was discussing it this morning with a very good friend of mine. Many of you following this blog have accompanied me on the journey of transition during which this “smaller sized” cell church has begun preparing for the future. We have been from one end of the emotional road to the other and have become familiar with both sides of the street!
Now we enter a time of rejoicing as the “longing” is fulfilled and becomes a tree of life for this congregation. W e asked Rob to join us earlier in the year, and agreed that he should fulfill his assignment with the church he was serving at the time. The months following were the season of longing for God’s desire to be manifested and for a goal to be reached. Now we are here, finally, and I want to enjoy the fruit from this tree of life.
Goal setting, an eye for the future, staying the course in difficulty, and remaining faithful in the calling of God on our lives are essential to continued ministry to His people.
There remain some “hopes” deferred and I continue to pray for their arrival and/or fruition, but for now…REJOICE!
Jeff, you are literally fulfilling theme of Rob Campbell’s blog yesterday. You have empowered another, younger leader to take your place, and now you’re involved in the process of preparing him. Great example!
It is indeed a day of fulfillment. It is with great excitement that our church looks forward to what the Lord has prepared for us! I am so thankful to have a leader like yourself who is obedient to the leading of the Lord and taking us forward to a future crafted by Jesus.