Coaching 5 – Get Your Hands Dirty

by | Dec 9, 2009 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

coach-tunnellby Jeff Tunnell

I’m not much on gardening, but this part is certain; you have to get your hands right in the dirt so plan on getting dirty!  Planting, tending to the growing plants, weeding and fertilizing are part of the process for healthy growth.  If you are like me, you might need some instruction on gardening and personal pointers on the practical aspects leading to success.

Coaching requires a similar involvement and attentiveness.  If I leave my cells alone, hoping they will do well, my hopes will likely be dashed.  When I finally see that growth is not happening by itself, it may be too late to start over due to lost seasonal opportunity.  So where can I obtain the instruction and pointers leading to successful coaching?

Joel Comiskey comments in his book COACH:

“I’ve learned that it’s easy to start groups. Keeping them healthy, growing, and fruitful requires ongoing coaching and development. The purpose of this book is to train coaches to help cell leaders stay healthy and fruitful. Coaching is the key to guiding leaders to succeed over the long haul. Yet those who are willing to coach other leaders often lack information on how to coach. This book provides step by step instructions on how to coach a small group leader from the initial stages of leading the group all the way to giving birth to a new one. Those who have never coached before will receive clear information on how to take the small group leader to the next level. And someone who is already coaching a small group leader will also find the eight lessons in this book invaluable to empower others to lead fruitful groups. This book is a great resource to use individually, in a small group, or in a classroom teaching setting.”

Get your hands in there and get dirty; And remember, you have to shoo away intruders to keep them from eating your produce! John 10:10

1 Comment

  1. Michael Sove

    I have been so blessed to see the power of coaching unfold right before my very eyes. I led Matt to Christ July 2008 and have met him weekly for discipleship and mentoring. He took over my cell in April of this year. So now I meet him to continue to help him grow but also as a cell leader. Recently his cell grew to 18 people and they gave birth to a new cell. Now I’m not only mentoring him in spiritual growth, cell leadership but now he will be coach of the guy who just birthed out.

    With close friendship in coaching great things can happen in somewhat shorter periods of time. Now he is ready to lead a guy in his cell to Christ and help him in the same way I’ve been modeling for him this past year and one half.


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Jeff Tunnell is a JCG board member, pastor emeritus, and cell church advocate.
