Evaluating Cell Ministry

by | Jan 28, 2010 | Uncategorized | 6 comments

by Mario Vega

Others have mentioned the importance of setting goals in cell ministry. However, goals are not just statements of expected results. They are also a measuring parameter that turns out useful for evaluation. At Elim, in addition to setting goals each quarter, we evaluate the goals to make sure they have served their purpose.

The first stage of evaluation is done every week. The leader and the cell nucleus evaluate the last week’s performance in relation to the goal. Each week, the supervisor conducts another evaluation with the leaders of the sector.

Finally, the zone pastors evaluate with their supervisors what took place. At the same time, every week each pastor hands over their evaluation report to the District pastor and this is always in relation to the goals they have set.

At the end of each quarter every Church of the Elim Christian Mission conducts an evaluation of their work. The third week after the end of each quarter of the year an evaluation of the entire Mission is conducted. The Branch Churches from each country send their data to El Salvador. In this way, we have an overview every three months of how Elim is doing worldwide and whether or not the growth targets are being achieved.

This evaluation system allows us to draw the maximum benefit of setting goals. If targets are only set but are not evaluated, many of the benefits are lost.



Spanish translation:

Evaluaciones del trabajo celular

En otras ocasiones se ha mencionado la importancia de utilizar metas para el trabajo celular. Sin embargo, las metas no solamente son una declaración de lo que se pretende alcanzar. Son también, un parámetro de medición que resulta útil para la evaluación. Por ese motivo, además de fijar metas para cada trimestre. En Elim evaluamos el trabajo en relación a esas metas.

La primera instancia de evaluación se realiza cada semana. El lder evalúa con el núcleo de la célula el desempeño de la semana anterior en relación a la meta. Cada semana, el supervisor realiza otra evaluación con los lderes que pertenecen a su sector. Finalmente, los pastores de zona evalúan con sus supervisores y lderes el trabajo de la semana. Al mismo tiempo, cada pastor entrega cuentas a su pastor de Distrito cada semana y siempre en relación a las metas que se han establecido.

Al final de cada trimestre toda iglesia de Misión Elim realiza una evaluación de su trabajo. La tercera semana después de finalizado cada trimestre del año se hace también una evaluación de toda la Misión. Las iglesias filiales envan sus datos a El Salvador desde cualquier pas donde se encuentren. De esa manera, podemos tener un panorama de cómo marcha la Misión cada tres meses y saber si las metas de crecimiento se están alcanzando.

Este sistema de evaluaciones permite sacar el mayor provecho posible al establecimiento de metas. Si las metas sólo se establecen pero no se evalúa, se pierde mucho de la riqueza que se puede obtener de ellas.


  1. Joel Comiskey

    Mario, ELIM is a shining example of evaluating cell ministry. I’ve always admired Elim for this and also promote this type of evaluation. . .

  2. Jeff Tunnell

    Mario, I was highly interested in the development of your own database tracking system when I visited ELIM. Obviously you have a great system for tracking goals with a high level of cooperation from leaders. Very inspiring.

  3. R.J. Scherba

    Thanks for sharing the importance of evaluation. I am interested in what criteria are used to evaluate cell ministry. Numbers are important, because each number is a person. Are additional criteria also used for evaluation?

  4. Aldrin Roco

    I share the same sentiment with that of R.J. Scherba. Here in the Philippines, we are not that perfect enough in evaluating our cell ministry. I would like to know (in details if possible) the criteria used in evaluating your cell ministry at Elim. A sample form would be appreciated.

  5. Joel Comiskey

    Hi Aldrin and R.J., all of Elim’s evaluating tools are listed in my book ELIM. Have you bought that book? You can buy it from my bookstore both in English and Spanish. The second best way is to download my Ph.D. dissertation and I discuss the five different ways ELLIM evaluates their cells. You can download it here: https://jcgresources.com/download/Diss-final-adobe.pdf

  6. R.J. Scherba

    Thank you, the dissertation is very helpful.


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Joel Comiskey, Ph.D., founder of JCG Resources
