I am sitting in our regular coaching time with Joel and 5 others and the dialogue is warming up. We are developing relationship and pursuing progress while discussing principle approaches to cell ministry. All of us are cell leaders and two are Senior Pastors.
Joel moves from one to the next, asking us to share our recent praises and then request prayer for present needs. I deeply appreciate this component today because as I share my needs (deep and personal ones) the group stops spontaneously to pray for me. Kneeling on the floor, humbling myself before Jesus and this caring group, they begin to intercede on my behalf.
The conversation flows freely between these leaders and our Father, just for me. The gifts of the Holy Spirit begin to operate in my friends as a word of wisdom comes through one followed by a supportive word picture from another, both bringing God’s life and guidance to my situation.
We proceed to counsel together as the conversation broadens to encompass other’s needs and more prayer is offered in the throne room of heaven. The peace that passes all understanding settles on hearts which have surrendered to the will of God.
Coaching is a necessary and welcome part of my week (and month)! It brings life in the kingdom into focus and provides much needed encouragement that reaches beyond our human limitations.
How has coaching helped you recently? Is the JCG blog a regular component of your encouragement? Let us know if there is an area of Cell ministry you would like addressed.