Prayer: When Heaven Touches Your Group

by | Apr 8, 2010 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

by Steve Cordle

Recently a group member was at the point of tears as she shared a vexing problem she was facing. The group paused and prayed for her. A few days later she emailed the group with exciting news about how God had answered that prayer. The next week she was brimming with praise for God throughout the meeting, and asking others how she could pray for them.

To pray as a group is to invite the supernatural. To make prayer time meaningful, we have found the following helpful:

1. Pray about meaningful issues. While not neglecting to pray for any request, we focus primarily on the most substantive matters: a wayward child, an alarming medical report, a major decision, etc. One leader keeps what she calls an “Impossible Cases” prayer list and asks God to do miraculous things in the lives of her group members. God gets great glory when one of those prayer is answered!

2. Review the previous week’s prayer requests. Sometimes we forget what we asked of God and thus forget to thank Him! It builds the faith and expectancy of the people to review each request and ask for an update.

How has prayer impacted your group?



  1. Alexi George

    As pastor, prayer in cells has lightened my load. I am no longer filled with calls all day long. The leaders of our 14 cells at Lifetime Vineyard Church guide the members to look to God through prayer in the cells. I would have it no other way.

  2. Richard Houle

    To come back to see how prayers have been answered is very important. In my own cell, i had a bad shoulder problem, another had a back problem, another an ear problem. After 2 months all our problems were resolved. If we would not have made a comeback on those prayers, it would have been forgotten.



  1. Joel Comiskey Group - [...] In the cell group I lead on Tuesday night, we spend quality time sharing requests and needs (see Steve…

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Steve Cordle

Steve Cordle

Founding pastor of Crossroads and executive director of The River Network International (
