by Steve Cordle
Taking time for group members to pray together during a cell meeting is indispensable. Yet, I’d like to consider another less-visible form of prayer that also brings power to the cell: the leader in listening prayer during the meeting.
During our last group meeting members waded into some deep conversation about how they were going to apply that night’s text to some tender and difficult situations in their lives. Some differences of opinion were expressed, though in a healthy way. I found myself wanting to step in and control the direction of the meeting back toward safer ground. Instead, I quieted my heart and asked the Lord, “What do you want to do right now? Accomplish your purposes in this meeting… have your way…†I sensed the need to let the direction continue.
Honestly, there was a little too much difference of opinion and raw emotion for my taste. But at the end of the meeting, I saw people embracing and encouraging each other. God led where I wouldn’t have chosen to go, and accomplished what I couldn’t.
Our members may not be aware of our inner posture of listening prayer, but they will benefit from it!
Steve, awesome point. The Lord has been showing me lately about listening to Him in specific situations and I’m finding He really does answer! Great illustration.
Thanks for that illustration of listening prayer! I like the fact that even though you were uncomfortable you didn’t jump in and try to stop what was happening. You gave the Lord the chance to be the leader in the meeting! Awesome!