Know the State of Your Flock

by | Jun 2, 2010 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

By Michael Sove

We are a small to mid-sized cell church with 450 adults and 25 cells.  Our main team is our staff, which consists of Sr. Pastor, Cell Pastor, Worship Pastor Youth Pastor and Children’s Pastor.  Our weekly team meeting is held on Tuesday morning.  Obviously we check in with each other and share how we are doing as individuals.

Prov 27:23 says, “Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds;”

This verse describes the main focus of our time together.  People matter to God and they matter to us.  The first topic of discussion is the guests from the weekend services.  We all share in the initial contact of those guests within the first 24 hours of their visit.  We make sure that we talk through those contacts and hold each other accountable for making those calls.  We may also hand them off at this time to another staff person for additional follow-up based on what we discover.

We also talk about where people are in our process.  (“Connect, Grow, Serve”)  We don’t want people to fall through the cracks, especially those who have opened their lives to Christ.  We want to make sure follow-up happens as soon as possible.  Obviously it’s best if we can connect them to a cell so that a natural relationship can be developed with another cell member who can mentor them.

We also talk about those we are developing in our spheres of influence as well as those we are building redemptive relationships with.  It is only after thoroughly discussing people issues that we move on to calendar items.

I, as the Cell Pastor, meet in a separate weekly meeting with the Sr. Pastor to talk about cells, leaders in training, cell stats and other cell related issues.  Not all our staff members lead or coach cells but are required to participate in one, so we don’t take team time on Tuesday morning to discuss these kinds of issues.

Focus on people and their development and you will be focused on that which matters most.

Comments?  What is the focus of your team meetings?



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Michael Sove

Michael Sove
