by Jeff Tunnell
Walking in unity of heart and mind is such a benefit. Keeping the vision clear and consistent throughout the congregation underwrites a consistent spiritual formation of those in the cells. W have discovered that when all the cells have the same content we are healthier overall.
We provide the cell facilitation guide each week on our website or in printed form for each leader. Our preaching service is recorded and posted to the website for those who were not in the weekend Celebration so that they can review the content as desired. The questions provided in the guide point to the message of the Celebration in a way that begs for personal and corporate application. The 4 Ws are followed and each cell leader has the authority to adjust their implementation, adapting for visitors, extended prayer for members, longer worship as the Holy Spirit prompts, etc. We do not encourage re-preaching or teaching the message.
We have practiced this method from the beginning with only a few deviations. Those deviations simply trained us to NOT deviate!
Vision comes from the leadership and is successfully transmitted to each participant via the faithful leadership of each cell leader. I have quizzed many pastors this way, “How would you like to see your message applied to the lives of your congregation instead of forgotten within 45 minutes after you’ve finished preaching each week?†Using the message in the cell accomplishes this more effectively than any other method I have used.