Leading a cell is far more than opening your home or showing up at someone else’s and facilitating a lesson. Leading a cell is first of all a calling and requires great intimacy with God. This is not something learned in a classroom but in those day-to-day encounters with the living God. This is where all training starts. The most important factor in leadership training is a leader’s devotional life: His or her time spent worshiping God, listening to God and seeking to be filled day by day by the Holy Spirit. If a leader is doing this faithfully, they will be building a strong foundation from which all leadership skills will be built upon.
Beyond a close relationship with God, leading a cell utilizes many other skills as well. People skills, administrative skills, leadership skills. This requires specific training that will help the leader facilitate life within the cell as well as practice those habits outside the cell that will lead to growth and cell multiplication.
So a good place to begin as you seek to put cell leadership training together for your church is to identify the skills needed to facilitate movement within the cell in four dimensions. Upward to God, inward toward one another, outward to those needing Christ and forward in making disciples and multiplying the cell. We’ll talk more about the specifics in a later blog.
Then identify the habits and practices that the leader and their core team will do in between the gatherings and develop training around the skills that will help the cell to be a growing, healthy, and multiplying cell. This includes habits like inviting new people weekly, contacting the regulars and praying for them daily, and how to develop a core team that shares the ministry of the cell.
So ask yourself, what skills are needed in these two realms, both in the cell and outside the cell? Then focus your training on these skills including action steps to take to improve at each skill, and you will have a training process that prepares cell leaders for the specific tasks that cell leadership requires.
What does your training focus on?