Prayer Evangelism

by | Oct 10, 2010 | Uncategorized | 9 comments

JOELby Joel Comiskey

Cell evangelism strategies abound: picnics, barbeques, videos, the empty chair, and many more. I’ve written about these techniques in my books and promote all of them. Yet, let’s face it: only God can convert a soul.

Our well-packaged methods might get people to attend the cell or even to repeat a “sinner’s prayer, ” but they can’t make regeneration happen.  Only God can do that. We can plant, and we can water, but ultimately only God can give the increase (1 Cor. 3).

Scripture says in Ephesians 6: 11-12: ” Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Satan and his demons have blinded people’s minds, and they’re unable to see the glorious gospel of Christ.

I’ve prayed the “sinner’s prayer”  with people who were never truly saved. No fruit. Those who come to Christ in response to prayer, on the other hand, are supernaturally awakened and continue in the faith. They become part of the body of Christ and learn to share transparently the cell. A supernatural outworking takes place that touches the souls of non-Christians.

The Scripture tells us in 2 Corinthians 4:4 that: “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” Only prayer can break the hold of the enemy and open blind eyes.

If we’re going to see our friends, family, neighbors and work associates won to Christ, we must pay the price in prayer. Effective cells and cell leaders are dedicated to prayer. They recognize the most effective tool to win non-Christians to Christ is through fervent prayer. They take the words of Paul seriously: “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful” (Colossians 4:2).




  1. Randall Neighbour

    What a great reminder, Joel. As a friend of mine shared in a conference for cell leaders, “Pray a little and you’ll get a little power. Pray a lot and you’ll get a lot of power!”

    The more we intercede for the lost, the more receptive they become to the One who can save them from themselves and an eternity of separation from the Father.

  2. alex

    Yes, Joel, we need to promote cell groups and pray for one another.
    Thanks for your inspiring newsletter.
    God bless

  3. David Choiniere

    These are some important thoughts. I follow a lot of calvinistic people and even though I disagree with many of their ideas I find it interesting their emphasis on God converting the soul. They hardly even ask people to repeat the sinner’s prayer as they believe you will only end up with a false conversion. They want people to make their own prayer to God to get converted. That way you can trust that God is truly working in their lives. Leading people in the ‘sinner’s prayer’ to them smacks of human manipulation and destined to lead to a false conversion

  4. Doree Esmeralda Arzadon

    Thanks for sharing these verses. It reminds me of my small group of mothers who desperately need prayers so that they will rely on God solely for all their trials in life.

  5. pastor henry jeroh

    you are completely right
    ours so to keep sowing the
    word and must ask the owner
    of the word to act on it
    ‘he is the one that work in us
    both to will and to do according
    to His purpose’

  6. Pastor Sandy Shaw

    Joel – and friends in Christ Jesus – in the book of Acts when people came to Jesus Christ – they Repented of their sin – Believed in Jesus – were Baptised in water – and Received the Holy Spirit. Check that out where new believers came into the Church of Jesus Christ. These four stages are essential for being ‘born again’. I have asked people to show me from the Word of God if there is any other way whereby a man can come into the Church of Jesus Christ. No one has yet indicated another road!
    Warmest greetings to you all in Christ Jesus.

  7. scott brennan

    Hi Joel,

    How refreshing to read your recent post. I’m a cell church planter in Scotland and I have recently reviewed my whole approach to prayer because i’d put in place all the strategies (which are good) but we were finding it hard to get to the good fruit stage of new contacts. In a post Christian culture especially the role of prayer is not another strategy it is a necessity. I wonder if there is a book still to be written about this? I know in your previous books about G12 etc you spoke about the practices of cell pastors. Perhaps there is a book for cell churches in a western context that need to learn how to pray more effectively? Just a thought.

    God bless – thnx for all your hard work.


  8. Able

    Yes brother – amen & amen~!

  9. Stephen

    Some thoughts on prayer & evangelism: Many of you may be aware of the concept of “prayer walking”. It is being used in many parts of the world (especially South Asia) to bring the Gospel to those who have yet to respond to it. I’m hoping to see more of it here in the West. I share this b/c prayer & evangelism come together in prayer walking. Jesus sent the disciples out by two’s (Lk 10) and told them to look for “houses” or “people” of peace. This ancient method of evangelism given by Christ to His disciples can truly revolutionize the way we pray and witness. By fervently praying while we walk in our communities, I believe the Holy Spirit leads us to these “persons or houses of peace” and they become the open door for sharing the Gospel. Sometimes we find that they may not become believers, but they are the door through which we reach their “oikos”. Church Planting Movements are taking place in South Asia using this process, and I’ve seen fruit here in America when it’s used intentionally. Intentional prayer walking give us more opportunities to run into unbelievers and put that “beautiful feet” passage in Romans 10 into action.



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Joel Comiskey, Ph.D., founder of JCG Resources
