When it comes to preparing your cell members for sharing their faith, at the minimum they need to be prepared to tell two stories. First they need to be able to tell their story. How they met Christ in a personal way. They need to become proficient in sharing their personal testimony. Then they need to tell “His Story.†They need to be able to share the gospel in a clear concise manner as well.
Since evangelism is so important to the multiplication of cells, it is very important to have as part of your equipping track some kind of training in evangelism. There are many excellent resources out there to train people in evangelism and it will come down to personal preference. Here are some of the resources I have used:
Touching Hearts Weekend – Relational evangelism training with can be purchased from Touch Outreach Ministries at www.touchusa.org
Just Walk Across the Room – By Bill Hybels and can be purchased from zondervan.com
Share – By Joel Comiskey – This is part of his five book equipping series that can be purchased at the Joel Comisky Group web site www.joelcomiskeygroup.com
Obviously the best training is on the job training. I make it a point whenever I think I might have a chance to share the gospel with someone to take someone with me. This is a powerful way to show someone else how to share using these two stories as well.
How do you equip your cell members in evangelism?