Cell Ministry and the Ministry of the Evangelist

by | Dec 14, 2010 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

by Mario Vega

As I wrote on a previous occasion, it is important to connect the work of the cells with the celebration. Cells are an excellent environment for the presentation of the Gospel to the guests, but a good part of those guests will end up believing during the celebration. For this reason, our celebrations on Sundays are essentially evangelistic. Sunday is considered the day to reap the fruit of what has been sown for weeks in the cells.

Both cell work and the celebrations are connected for the salvation of the lost in a consistent way. This is not an effort made occasionally, but cotinually. A cycle is established between cells and celebration that is repeated week after week.

This does not mean that we don’t appreciate the work of the evangelist. Evangelists have the gift of attracting large numbers of people to the faith. It is sometimes thought that the evangelizing potential of a cell church is so great that the evangelist is no longer needed.

We at Elim believe the opposite. We view cell work and the ministry of the evangelist as complementary. The church is never better prepared to retain the results of the ministry of an evangelist than when it is a cell church. The cell model allows the church to do follow up and give assistance to dozens or hundreds of people who believe in the Lord.

So, even though the evangelizing cycle is repeated every week, we do not despise but rather appreciate and take advantage of the visit of true evangelists for the benefit of those who still do not know the Savior



Translation into Spanish:

Las células y el ministerio del evangelista.

Como lo escrib en una ocasión anterior, es importante conectar el trabajo de las células con la celebración. Las células son el ambiente propicio para presentar el evangelio a los invitados; pero, una buena parte de esos invitados terminarán creyendo en la celebración. Por ese motivo, nuestras celebraciones de los das domingos son eminentemente evangelizadoras. El domingo se considera que es el da para recoger el fruto de lo que por semanas se ha sembrado en las células.

Tanto el trabajo celular como las celebraciones, se conectan as para la salvación de los perdidos de manera periódica. Este no es un esfuerzo que se haga ocasionalmente sino el trabajo de todas las semanas. Se establece as un ciclo entre células y celebración que se repite semana tras semana.

Esto, no significa que se desprecien las oportunidades para recoger la cosecha que se presentan eventualmente. Por ejemplo, apreciamos mucho el ministerio de los evangelistas. Éstos tienen el don de atraer grandes cantidades de personas a la fe. A veces se ha pensado que el potencial evangelizador de una iglesia celular es tan grande que puede volver innecesario al evangelista.

Por nuestra parte, creemos todo lo contrario. Vemos que el trabajo celular y el ministerio del evangelista son complementarios. Nunca está mejor preparada una iglesia para retener los resultados del ministerio de un evangelista que cuando es una iglesia celular. El modelo permite que la iglesia pueda dar seguimiento y atención a docenas o centenares de personas que crean en el Señor.

As, aunque el ciclo evangelizador se repite cada semana, no despreciamos sino mas bien apreciamos y aprovechamos la visita de los verdaderos evangelistas para beneficio de aquellos que aun no conocen al salvador.

1 Comment

  1. Ian

    Hi Mario

    Could you give us any specific detail of how you utilise evangelists who are present in your church within the context of cell ministry? There must be a whole number of evangelists in Elim and it would be useful to know how you identify them and release them to benefit the whole of the cell ministry and church?


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Mario Vega

Mario Vega

Senior leader for Elim International, www.elim.org.sv
