“Ask and I’ll Give the Nations to You” Part #3

by | Feb 3, 2011 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

by Michael Sove

In my last two blogs I have been sharing about the amazing things God did during my recent month in India.  This week I want to share with you the power of getting your cell group involved in missions, both locally and foreign.

The mandate from Jesus is clear, “… you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”  Acts 1:8b

For some of you it will begin with getting your cell involved outside themselves in the local community.  This is so important for the health and future of your cell.  This could be a service evangelism event or finding a needy family to adopt and care for.  We need to be in the community making a difference.  So we look for our cells to be doing something monthly either as a cell or working with another cell on some outreach or caring initiative.  Right now our church is hosting a homeless shelter next week and all our cells are involved in feeding and caring for these men.  We also continue to reach out to families we delivered Thanksgiving meals and Christmas presents to seeking to build relationships with these people.

But don’t stop with “Jerusalem” take your cell to the ends of the earth.  Here is how that has worked for us.  My vision is for each of our cells to adopt one of the pastors and their ministries who participates in my Impact India Prayer Network.  The primary purpose is for prayer, encouragement and communication but I hope it doesn’t stop there.  I encourage the cell to get behind their pastor in a financial way as well.

On my recent trip everywhere I looked I could see the evidence and impact of our cells on these Indian pastors and their ministries.  For example I was transported in a brand new vehicle for part of my trip, which was provided to a pastor by someone from one of our cell groups.  I stood in a church facility with a thatched roof, which will now be replaced with a new roof because of the generous gifts from two cell groups. I baptized 25 people in a tank that was paid for by another cell member and my last night in India I preached in a place that was rented thanks to the down payment from another cell group.  Computers and sewing machines have been provided and I was able to bless pastors everywhere I went because of the “Heart for the Nations” that has been developed in our cells over the last three years.

Imagine what God could do through your cell to impact nations for His Glory.



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Michael Sove

Michael Sove
