Qualifications of Church Planters

by | Feb 14, 2011 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

by Jeff Tunnell

Saved, called, set apart. Sent, anointed, sincere.  Knowledgeable, understanding scripture, fearless. Undeterred by persecution, bold, willing to die.  Workers of miracles, preachers of revelation, servants of Jesus.  Dependent, praying, faithful.  Heralds of Good News, dispensers of truth, confounders of religion.  Eyewitnesses of the works of Christ, obedient to His commands, sharers in His sufferings.  Stewards of grace, seekers of a homeland, strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

These are a few “qualifications” I found in the book of Acts of the Apostles for church planters!  The New Testament evangelists were motivated by a passion that pushes a person beyond caring for the comforts offered by this world, in order to obtain the promises given by the Savior.



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Jeff Tunnell is a JCG board member, pastor emeritus, and cell church advocate.
