by Jeff Tunnell
I LIKE STATISTICS and charts and graphs and tables of performance. In my case, details, diagrams and good reports make for happy days.
Does DANGER exist in collecting statistical data? Of course, such as putting numbers ahead of people becomes an easy error. Losing focus on the heart of the matter (bringing people to Jesus and maturity in living for Him) can occur if you sit behind a desk and pour over numbers only.
My cell leaders have accused me of caring more about goals and numbers than the “really important things”. This tells me that I don’t need to talk about the statistics with everyone, or all of the time. Discovering how to utilize statistics, which ones to put on display and which to keep private, is necessary.
A greater danger is in NOT gathering and utilizing readily collectible data. When you are bound to goals that lead to specific measureable outcomes, you will need bencmarks along the route. Sailing = charts & maps. Driving = maps & mileage. Growing cells = names, attendance, equipping progress for those individuals & dates for expected multiplication of new cell leaders are a few basic data sets.
I am interested in your observations & comments on this important topic!