Offerings in Cell Groups?

by | May 8, 2011 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

joelby Joel Comiskey

Should cell groups take offerings in the cell meeting? All of the Latin American cell churches in my research took offerings in the cells. They learned this from Yoido Full Gospel Church, which started the practice. In David’s Cho’s church (Yoido) each cell group member is given envelopes for the offering. The amount inside is marked on the envelope. They are turned in during the cell meeting. After being totaled by two persons, the separate envelopes are placed in a larger one. This envelope is then brought by the cell leader to the next worship service attended. Under the main auditorium there is a wall with pigeonhole boxes, where these envelopes are dropped. Each cell leader approaches the pigeonhole in the wall, puts the envelope to their heart, passionately prays for its use, and then drops it in a slot. In addition, at Yoido, offerings are taken at every public service.

In the Latin American churches I researched, taking offerings in the cell group helped give the cell a sense of responsibility. Treasurers were appointed in each cell to take the money to the church during the celebration service (normally on Sunday morning). At Elim Church, I stood amazed at the orderliness and first-class organization as I watched each leader bring the offering taken in the cell meeting and drop it in the slot. Trained staff counts the thousands of envelopes throughout the day. I experienced a complete paradigm shift.

Cell offerings worked as a vehicle to connect the cell focus with the celebration. These churches believed that those not attending the celebration service should be given the opportunity to contribute financially. After all, they’re benefiting from the church through the cell group. To those who are not yet ready to attend the celebration service, the cell group is their church.

Not every cell church will take offerings within the cell. Bethany Prayer Center forbids all financial dealings in the cells (apart from an occasional love offering). Victory Christian Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on the other hand, receives an offering at each cell meeting.

I personally encouraged churches to take offerings in cells as well as in celebration. I’ve seen too many cell churches de-emphasize cell ministry during times of financial crisis, whether through a building program or economic downturn. The underlying subtle value was, “We must get people to the celebration service so we can raise money.” I believe that cells need to be part of the financial growth of the church. If cells are also a source of financial growth, the church will see cell group growth as another source of financial income and have less tendency to ignore cell ministry during a financial crunch.

What is your thinking on the topic?


Translation into Korean:

Translation into Spanish:

¿Deberan los grupos celulares tomar ofrendas en las reuniones?  En mi investigación todas las iglesias celulares de América Latina toman ofrendas en las células. Ellos aprendieron esto de la iglesia de alabanza Yoido, quienes comenzaron  la práctica, en la iglesia de David Cho (Yoido) cada miembro del grupo de célula se les da sobres para la ofrenda. La cantidad esta en el interior marcado en el sobre. Ellos se van pasando los sobres durante la reunión de célula. Después se totaliza  por dos personas, los sobres por separado se colocan en uno más grande.  Este sobre es trado por el Lder de la célula al siguiente servicio de adoración. Bajo el auditorio principal se encuentra un muro con casillas, donde estos sobres se entregan. Cada lder de la célula se acerca al casillero en la pared, coloca el sobre a su corazón, con pasión ora por su uso, y luego cae en una ranura. Además, en Yoido, las ofrendas se toman en todos los servicios públicos.

Investigué que en las iglesias de América Latina, al tomar las ofrendas en el grupo celular les ayudó a tener un sentido de responsabilidad. Fueron nombrados Tesoreros en cada célula para tomar el dinero a la iglesia durante el culto de celebración (normalmente en la mañana del domingo).  Me quedé sorprendido por el orden y la organización en la Iglesia Elim, en la primera clase vea a cada lder  traer la ofrenda colectada en la reunión de célula y la ponan en el casillero.  Tienen un personal capacitado que cuenta los miles de sobres durante todo el da. Experimente un cambio completo.

La ofrendas de las células trabajan como un vehculo para conectar el enfoque de las células con la celebración. Estas iglesias creen que estos que no asisten al servicio de celebración se les debe dar la oportunidad de contribuir financieramente. Después de todo, se están beneficiando de la iglesia a través del grupo celular. Y aquellos que aún no están listos para asistir al culto de celebración, el grupo de célula es su iglesia.

No todas las iglesias celulares toman ofrendas dentro de la célula. Betania Centro de Oración prohbe todas las transacciones financieras en las células (aparte de una ofrenda de amor ocasional). Centro Cristiano Victoria en Tulsa, Oklahoma, en cambio, recibe una ofrenda en cada reunión de célula.

Yo personalmente entusiasmo a las iglesias a tomar las ofrendas en las células, as como en la celebración. He visto demasiadas iglesias celulares que hacen hincapié en el ministerio celular en tiempos de crisis financiera, ya sea a través de un programa de construcción o de recesión económica. El valor subyacente fue: “Debemos llevar gente del servicio de celebración para que podamos recaudar dinero.” Creo que las células necesitan ser parte del crecimiento financiero de la iglesia. Si las células son también una fuente de crecimiento financiero,  la iglesia ve el crecimiento celular del grupo como otra fuente de ingresos financieros y tienen menos tendencia a ignorar el ministerio celular durante una crisis financiera.

¿Qué piensas sobre el tema?


1 Comment

  1. Monex

    For that reason we decided early in our transition to the cell-church structure that we needed specific guidelines for the handling of money on the cell level..We dont receive tithes and offerings on a cell level but individual cells do receive offerings occasionally for activities within the cell. For instance if the cell group plans an outing that requires tickets someone in the cell might collect the money and make one trip to buy the tickets. Another occasion might be when the cell is doing a service project that requires some simple supplies cell members might pool resources to meet the need..Whatever the reason for collecting money here are the guidelines that weve found very helpful in preserving integrity and the trust that comes with it .1 A cell may maintain a miscellaneous treasury of no more than 100.00 .2 A cell treasurer must be designated and one other unrelated cell member must be kept aware of the income and expenses .3 Cell members are taught not to give their tithe to this miscellaneous fund .4 These miscellaneous funds may be used for fellowship activities or to support in small service evangelism projects.


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Joel Comiskey, Ph.D., founder of JCG Resources
