Infrastructures We Need

by | Dec 5, 2011 | Uncategorized | 4 comments


by Jeff Tunnell

Infrastructures are built with this understanding:  they will not be used constantly (all the time), but they must be in place at the time when usage is necessary.  Demand for an infrastructure can be studied, projected and tested.  Let me give a few examples: a bus route for a city, an airline route for a country, a railway system and even roads within a geographic area.  Or how about your local grocery store, school, post office and bank?  Someone, whether government or private, examines and anticipates the need, develops a system, plots the places where demand is highest and need is greatest and then builds the infrastructure to support the population that will use it.  Whenever we have a personal need to utilize one of these systems, we expect it to be in place and operating and we are most pleased when it is!

A cell system is similar and is designed to be in place whenever the need becomes present.  We know that cells are a community of people that meet regularly, therefore we must be constant and consistent at all times.  We would not be happy if our local grocery closed for 3 months of the year or if we wanted to travel for the Christmas holiday and all the transportation systems were closed!!  The exception in a system is when routine maintenance must be performed and it is taken offline to do so.  Otherwise, the system is constantly available and individuals are employed to open & close on time, keep it running on the schedule, provide the expected product and hopefully do all this with a smile.

I hope my analogy supports this point; Cells meet weekly and it is imperative that we keep the system in place for meeting needs as they arise, people must be saved from sin at all times, let’s not be closed when they need us most.

Your thoughts?


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Necesitamos Infraestructuras

Por Jeff Tunnell

Las infraestructuras se construyen con esta conclusión: no serán utilizadas constantemente (todo el tiempo), pero deben estar en su lugar en el momento de uso si es necesario. La demanda de una infraestructura puede ser estudiada, proyectada y probada. Permtanme dar algunos ejemplos: una ruta de autobús de una ciudad, una lnea aérea de un pas, un sistema de ferrocarril y carreteras, incluso dentro de un área geográfica. ¿O qué tal el supermercado local, escuela, oficina de correos y el banco? Alguien ya sean oficinas gubernamentales o privadas, analiza y anticipa la necesidad, desarrolla un sistema, diagramas de los lugares donde la demanda es alta y la necesidad es mayor y entonces construye la infraestructura de apoyo a la población que va a usar. Cada vez que tenemos una necesidad personal para utilizar uno de estos sistemas, se espera que esté en su lugar  funcionando y ¡estamos muy contentos cuando lo es!

Un sistema de células es similar, está diseñado para estar en su lugar cuando la necesidad se hace presente. Sabemos que las células son una comunidad de personas que se reúnen regularmente, por lo que debe ser constante y consistente en todo momento. No sera feliz si nuestro supermercado local está cerrado durante 3 meses del año, o si quera viajar para las vacaciones de Navidad y ¡todos los sistemas de transporte estaban cerrados! La excepción en un sistema de mantenimiento de rutina es cuando se debe realizar y es puesto fuera de lnea para hacerlo. De lo contrario, el sistema es constante y está disponible a las personas que se emplean para abrir y cerrar a tiempo, para que siga funcionando en el programa, proporcionando el producto esperado y esperamos hacer todo esto con una sonrisa.

Espero que mi analoga apoye este punto, las células se reúnen semanalmente y es imperativo que mantengamos el sistema para satisfacer las necesidades que vayan surgiendo, las personas deben ser salvadas del pecado en todo momento, no vamos a estar cerradas cuando más lo necesitan.

¿Tus Ideas?



  1. Moshe Musapelo

    I attented a training in cell strategy . I apply the principles of the cell strategy but my church did not succeed. I would strat a cell group and it would flourish, but would immediately collapse the moment I handed it over to be led by somebody else. At strongly belief in the cell groups and small groups at the church but if looks like I do not have the leaders with the same passion and grace to lead cell groups . Could you advise
    Moshe Musapelo

  2. Jeff Tunnell

    Moshe, the Cell strategy does take time to build, but it does start with a few and focuses on reproducing leaders who can in turn lead new groups. Do not be discouraged, keep learning and applying truth. There are many free articles here on the website that you can benefit from along the way:



  4. Jeff Tunnell

    De nada y Dios te bendiga mucho!!


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Jeff Tunnell is a JCG board member, pastor emeritus, and cell church advocate.
