[I’m excited to present Pastor David Jaramillo to this blog community. David Jaramillo Burgos lives in Quito, Ecuador, and I’ve worked with him for a number of years. He was Senior Pastor of the Cell Church “The Light” for 16 years. Right now, he and his wife are lead pastors of a new church plant called, “Church of the Family,” a community whose vision is to restore emotional and spiritual support to families through small groups. David is also a Psychologist and an MBA in Crisis Assistance and Systemic Family Therapy. He travels frequently to lecture in churches, schools, universities and secular institutions]
by David Jaramillo
The famous psychiatrist, psychologist Carl Jung, once said: “Your vision will become clearer only when you look into your heart … The person who looks outside, dreams. The one who looks inside, awakens.” He was right! For example, we all know that the vision of God’s heart is that all men should come to repentance. Yet, this vision must be made real in the pastor’s heart and then allowed to drive him as an intrinsic force to create a reality in the outside world. The passion must start from within.
A visionary pastor creates opportunities where others only see problems. His passionate heart is the engine that drives decisions and actions and helps him persevere. The pastor’s passionate vision stirs the members of the church to rise up and follow.
The book of Ezra talks about a man named Shechaniah that encouraged the people to follow Ezra by saying, “Arise, for it is your duty to do this, we will support you. Come on, come on!” (Ezra 10:4 TLA). These phrases are the same ones that the church should cry out to the pastor to help him fulfill God’s vision. The pastor connected through prayer to the power of the Holy Spirit will find the passion to reach multitudes for Jesus. The church will then arise and say, “”it’s your duty to do this, and we will help you!”
Dear pastor, God is behind you and is calling you to assume responsibility for those in your city. Look inside yourself and ask God to use you to guide the vision and mission of the cell church in your area.
Korean translation (click here)
Portuguese translation (click here)
Spanish translation:
La Visión del Pastor
Por: Msc. David Jaramillo Burgos.
El célebre médico psiquiatra, psicólogo y ensayista suizo Carl Jung dijo en una ocasión: “Tu visión devendrá mas clara solamente cuando mires dentro de tu corazón… Aquel que mira afuera, sueña. Quién mira en su interior, despierta”. Y vaya, ¡cuánta razón tena!. Si bien sabemos que la visión del corazón de Dios es que todos los hombres procedan al arrepentimiento, esta visión se hace carne en el corazón del pastor que lo impulsa como una fuerza intrnseca a crear una realidad en el mundo exterior a pesar de las circunstancias.
El corazón del pastor debe ser un corazón que crea oportunidades donde los demás ven problemas. Su corazón, y en él su pasión, es el motor que mueve sus decisiones y acciones, acompañado de una gran dosis de perseverancia para capitalizar e involucrar los sentimientos y la voluntad de los miembros de su iglesia.
Este corazón lo moviliza a hacer realidad su visión en el futuro pero para eso debe trabajar en el presente, entendiendo que al crear su propio futuro está creando también el de otros.
El libro de Esdras nos cuenta de un hombre llamado Secanas, que al reconocer su pecado y el del pueblo animó al lder Esdras diciéndole lo siguiente: “Levántate, porque es tu deber hacer esto; nosotros te apoyaremos. ¡Vamos, anmate!”. (Esdras 10:4 TLA). Esas frases de Secanas son las mismas que la iglesia de hoy clama a su pastor cuando esperan de él un rumbo cierto, un horizonte claro de hacia dónde ir. El pastor conectado a través de la oración a la fuente de poder del Espritu Santo solamente descubrirá en su interior un corazón apasionado por alcanzar a las multitudes para Cristo; entonces, se levantará bajo la premisa de “es tu deber hacer esto”.
Estimado pastor, ¡vamos anmate! No dejes que otro haga tu trabajo, asume la responsabilidad, mira en tu interior, despierta y sé tú quien gue la visión y la misión de la iglesia celular en tu localidad.
David Jaramillo Burgos vive en Quito, Ecuador. Fue Pastor Principal de la Iglesia Celular “La Luz” por 16 años; actualmente, junto a su esposa pastorean la Iglesia de la Familia, una comunidad cuya visión es restaurar emocional y espiritualmente a las familias a través de los grupos pequeños. El Pr. David es Psicólogo Familiar y tiene una Maestra en Crisis, Asesora y Terapia Familiar Sistémica. Viaja constantemente dando conferencias en iglesias, colegios, universidades e instituciones seculares.
What opportunities are you supporting????….I find it very interesting in the “Modern” american church than no one does what Jesus “Commanded” , and that is to MAKE DISCIPLES….:) You can’t give a new convert salvation without giving him kingdom life. It is like giving a police officer a gun with no bullets. In the last year alone I have been uterly amazed how few understand that biblical concept. Most and I do mean most church going christians don’t know or make up WWJD in their own lives. It is so sad. Pastors complain that their congregations are not titheing and doing ministries within the church. And why should they, they don’t know any better. It is time that pastors start implementing discipleship programs and make them lovingly mandatory.