by Bill Joukhadar
The Lord is the Builder of His Church, locally and universally (Psalms 127:1). He is building His church in us, and through us. One of His building strategies is through the power of testimonies – testimonies that bring credit to Him.
The giving of testimonies is our responsibility, not God’s. The Lord says in Acts 1: 8 … “When the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power and will tell people about me everywhere … “(NLT).
For the past few week I’ve been ‘beating the drum’ through my blogs, promoting the value of family in the church. Now it’s your turn. I urge you to respond to this blog through the giving of a short testimony that promotes what the Lord is doing in the cells and celebration contexts of your church that is making the building of family a priority in your church.
Come on, this is no time to sit back and leave the work of building family in your church to just a few people. Don’t worry about grammar or diction; let the world hear from you as to how the Lord is working in your church to build family. You can share how this is happening through you, or through someone else. Give us ‘your story’ … give the glory to the Lord. Thank you.
To comment, scroll to the bottom of the blog/ email (under the Spanish translation) and click on view comments.
Bill Joukhadar
Spanish blog:
Dando poder a la Familia a través de testimonios
Por Bill Joukhadar
El Señor es el constructor de su Iglesia, localmente y universalmente (Salmos 127:1). Él está construyendo su iglesia en nosotros, y a través de nosotros. Una de las estrategias de su construcción es a través del poder de los testimonios – los testimonios que dan crédito a él.
Dar testimonios es nuestra responsabilidad, no de Dios. El Señor dice en Hechos 1, 8… “pero recibiréis poder, cuando haya venido sobre vosotros el Espritu Santo, y me seréis testigos en Jerusalén, en toda Judea, en Samaria, y hasta lo último de la tierra…” (NVI).
Durante las ultimas semanas he estado “tocando el tambor” a través de mis blogs, promoviendo el valor de la familia en la iglesia. Ahora es su turno. Les insto a responder a este blog a través de un breve testimonio que promueve lo que el Señor está haciendo en las células y los contextos de la celebración de su iglesia, que está construyendo en la familia como una prioridad en su iglesia.
Vamos, no es el momento de sentarse y dejar el trabajo de construir la familia en su iglesia a sólo unas pocas personas. No te preocupes por la gramática ni la dicción, deja el mundo saber de usted en cuanto a cómo el Señor está obrando en su iglesia para construir la familia. Tu puedes compartir la forma en que esto está sucediendo a través de ti, o a través de otra persona. Danos “tu historia”… da la gloria al Señor. Gracias.
Para comentar, desplácese hasta a la parte inferior del blog/o correo electrónico (bajo la traducción al español) y haga clic en Ver comentarios.
Bill Joukhadar
Pastor I need to thank God for his faithfulness I read and study your blogs almost everyday I am the Pastor responsible for the cell vision in our church.I had financial challenge which had made me to put more effort in my business at the same time I felt being a hypocrite of preaching about home cell churches yet since January we had no cell gathering at the church I Pastoring.yet I was being invited to minister about cell churches in one conference I taught on the importance of cell church as a family and the parable of the two winged church. I was praying for God to see me through challenges I was facing at church and financially .three weeks ago when I decided to take care of what God called me to do (cell ministry).The devil was not happy about the move I took to go for cell church on a Tuesday .One of our suppliers who happened to be a police officer we were owing her $40 came to our shop and found out that I had gone to church.In our first cell church this year before I shared the message the Police came in the cell church and took me to the station because of $40.that night I would have slept in the jail cells but the cell church prayed for me.Thank God that fueled me to open more cells we now have three exciting cells .I have taught salvation and water baptism I thank God I have 8 soul waiting to be baptized in our next cell meeting and that will happen in a tub.
I am from Zimbabwe a country that needs your prayers .
God richly bless you
la grandeza de Dios no tiene comparacion. Ver personas edificadas y dando la gloria a Dios al ver las respuestas a las oraciones hechas en los grupos pequeños es gratificante, es el Señor diciendo sigue asi. Ver a mi esposo cada dia mas tocado por Dios mientras le sirvo a Dios es una bendicion. AMO A MI SEÑOR JESUS!!
La verdad es que tenemos en el corazón, la salvación de la familia, de hecho el Señor nos ha inspirado un tema para este domingo próximo, llamado Jesús “Dios de la Familia” somos una congregación relativamente nueva, 1.5 años de inicio y estamos trabajando en células, lo que estamos haciendo para incentivar el amor hacia el trabajo celular, es que cada domingo cada célula se encarga de la dirección completa de la reunión de Celebración, y nos estamos retando a prepararnos cada dÃa, estamos animados cada vez más… animo a todas las congregaciónes, a seguir formando lÃderes fuertes, en el discipulado, para seguir extendiendo el reino de nuestro amado Señor Jesús, hasta lo último de la tierra, con corazones sencillos y llenos de amor por las personas que nos visitan, sigamos adelante…bendiciones para todos… con cariño cristiano…