It Takes a Cell Group

by | May 9, 2012 | Uncategorized | 3 comments


by Steve Cordle

If, as the well-known phrase says, “It takes a village to raise a child,” one could say, “It takes a cell group to raise a child to follow Jesus.” Intergenerational cells can help children grow healthier than children who have no other discipleship input but their parents.

As children go with their parents to a cell, they learn that connecting and growing with other believers is an important priority. That lesson will shape their own commitments as adults.

As the cell group community develops, the children have numerous “aunts” and “uncles” in the faith. The children will learn from the example (and sometimes the teaching) of these adults, which will round out and reinforce what their parents are transmitting at home.

And of course, Jesus told his disciples to become like little children. The adults in the cell benefit from the example of the children as they listen to a child pray, or see the trusting receptivity of a child to the scripture.

It takes an additional effort and planning to create a meaningful intergenerational cell, but might that be something God is leading you to do?

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Korean translation (click here)

Spanish translation:

Se necesita un grupo celular

Por Steve Cordle

Si, como una frase muy conocida dice: “Se necesita una aldea para criar un niño”, uno podra decir, “Se necesita un grupo celular para criar a un niño para que siga a Jesús.” Células intergeneracionales pueden ayudar a los niños a crecer más sanos que los niños que no tienen otra entrada de discipulado, más que sus padres.

Cuando los niños van con sus padres a la célula, aprenden que la conexión y compartir con otros creyentes es una prioridad importante. Esa lección dará forma a sus propios compromisos en la edad adulta.

A medida que la comunidad de grupos celulares se desarrollan, los niños tienen muchas “tas” y “tos” en la fe. Los niños aprenden del ejemplo (y en ocasiones la enseñanza) de estos adultos, que se completan y refuerzan lo que sus padres están transmitiendo en su hogar.

Y, por supuesto, Jesús dijo a sus discpulos que deben ser como niños pequeños. Los adultos en las células se benefician del ejemplo de los niños mientras escuchan orar a un niño, o ven la receptividad de confianza de un niño en la escritura.

Se necesita un esfuerzo adicional y planificación para crear una célula intergeneracional significativa, pero ¿Podra ser algo que Dios te está guiando a hacer?

Para comentar, desplácese hasta la parte inferior del blog/correo electrónico (bajo la traducción al español) y haga clic en Ver comentarios.



  1. Joel Comiskey

    Brad Fancher wrote:

    Would you mind to consider my thought? Take a moment and read the article below first.

    Should we, as we consider “groupings” of groups next year try and put CGG Members who do not have children or those who have children grown and out of the house in the same groups, apart from those with children?

    And then, for those who do have children, should send childcare workers to those groups? Any thoughts on the aspect of children in our CGG meetings?

    We have countless testimonies of leaders and members that say CGGs always go better when the children are “out of the house”. Even those CGGs that host childcare at their host home struggle with interruptions.

    I’d love to hear your thoughts!
    Pastor Brad

  2. Joel Comiskey

    Hey Brad, I don’t believe in forcing the issue. if there are children in the cell (primarily children of the parents) then it’s important to look for children’s workers from the cell or the church. What do you think, Steve?

  3. Steve Cordle

    I agree, Joel. And I’ve not seen it work to try to tell people which group to be part of… it will sort itself out relationally and naturally.


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Steve Cordle

Steve Cordle

Founding pastor of Crossroads and leader of The River Network.
