Key Leadership Motivations

by | Feb 14, 2013 | Uncategorized | 2 comments


by Mario Vega

Why should a person devote his or her time each week to leading a cell, participating in the planning meeting, or supervising other cell leaders? Beyond the cell responsibilities, there’s also the commitment to the celebration gatherings. And normally there are no financial rewards. Rather, the leader is giving voluntary time that could be spent in “making money” (knowing that many live by the adage “time is money”). Then why should a person dedicate time to cell ministry?

The real motivation for dedicating precious time to cell ministry is because the believer is motivated to please God and give him glory. The believer serves God for at least two reasons: gratitude and eternal rewards. Gratitude is expressed by the fact that he has been saved. We all know that salvation includes the forgiveness of sin. Yet, it’s also true that salvation often includes the deliverance from addictions, past bondages, and even the transformation of an entire family. Such deliverance causes deep gratitude in believers that is then expressed through sacrificial service.

The other motivation is an eternal one. This motivation is based on the Christian hope of living forever with Jesus. The Christian knows that there is a better life after death. The believer, therefore, is not anchored primarily to the present. The investment of his time and effort might not produce revenues in this life but will certainly produce rewards in the next one. Knowing that eternal rewards lie in the future, a leader is willing to invest in something “unproductive” from an earthly point of view, knowing that a far greater reward lies ahead.

For those who do not know Jesus, the leader’s sacrifice appears foolish and even a waste of time. But those whose eyes have been opened are passionate to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.



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Motivaciones Básicas de Los Lderes.

por Mario Vega.

¿Por qué razón una persona tendra que dedicar su tiempo para reuniones de célula, de planificación y de supervisión cada semana? Todo eso sin perder de vista el tiempo que dedica a asistir a las celebraciones de la iglesia. Además, hay que añadir que lo anterior es sin recibir retribución económica alguna sino, por el contrario, invirtiendo en todo lo que eso implica. ¿Por qué tendra que hacerlo?

Se dice que el tiempo es oro y si eso es verdad debe existir una enorme motivación para que los lderes de célula se dediquen con tanta determinación a hacer precisamente lo que se ha mencionado. La motivación es dada por la convicción que el cristiano tiene de que todo lo que hace, lo hace para Dios.

En el fondo, el creyente sirve a Dios por dos motivos: gratitud y eternidad. La gratitud es expresada por el hecho de haber sido salvado. La salvación incluye no solamente la liberación de situaciones difciles o enfermedades graves sino también del pecado. La salvación muchas veces implica la recomposición de una familia viviendo bajo dificultades grandes. La salvación de esas situaciones genera una gratitud que el cristiano expresa por medio del servicio sacrificado.

El otro motivo, la eternidad, se basa en la esperanza cristiana de la vida futura en Cristo. El cristiano sabe que hay una vida mejor que espera después de la muerte, por tanto, no se encuentra anclado al presente solamente. La inversión de su tiempo y esfuerzo no espera recibir créditos solo en la vida presente sino en la venidera. Eso explica el por qué su abierta disposición a invertir en algo “improductivo” desde el punto de vista terreno.

Sin tener en cuenta esos dos factores motivacionales que son invisibles al observador ordinario, es muy difcil comprender a esos cristianos increbles que se dedican a servir con tanta pasión.


  1. Roger

    Reading the title instantly made me so interested to discover the keys to motivating cell leaders but was a bit surprised because I found nothing new. Not that I don’t believe those two key’s you mentioned because honestly speaking I agree with you 100%. It’s just even after emphasizing those key’s to the leaders I am mentoring for a long time already, very few of them stepped on. In short, after almost 2 years of transitioning into cell church, I am still failing to convince them. I believe the cell church 100% and looking and praying for ways to transform our church into this. Can anyone give more insights on how to motivate members into cell ministries especially those who have jobs? God bless us all.

  2. Marta de Souza de Oliveira

    Dear brother.
    Your article on Key Leadership Motivations touched the core of the issue , because if we work for the Kingdom of God driven by egotistical reasons, our deeds won`t have any value.
    May the Lord bless you all.


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Mario Vega

Mario Vega

Senior leader for Elim International,
