Care and Comfort in the Cell Church

by | Feb 11, 2015 | Uncategorized | 1 comment


By Rob Campbell,

This week, the bloggers here at JCG are posting their thoughts on the biblical basis for the cell church. This post centers on God’s desire (rooted in the scriptures) for us to comfort others. 

First, let me share a story.

Recently, a man approached me right before a Sunday A.M. Celebration service. He asked if I could spend some time with him and counsel him. I told him I would love to get to know him, but I wasn’t real good at long term counseling. I enjoy change and I lose passion for long term counseling pretty quick. As the days unfolded, we met.

The man was pretty low and told his story to me through many tears. His wife of a few decades was filing for divorce. He was out of work and fearful of losing a child as well. I expressed my sorrow. I was impressed with his ability to walk through his darkness with integrity, grace, and the love of God. That would certainly not be easy given his lot. Further, he accepted a good portion of responsibility for his life condition.

I encouraged him to be a part of a cell group. He responded, “No thanks.” I replied, “What do you mean? I think you’ll find some good support through a set of relationships.” He stated, “Don’t need no cell group. I’ve got one already. They have sustained me through this pain and agony.”
I asked him, “How have they sustained you?”

He said, “They have listened to me and have loved me.”

To my knowledge, in this particular cell group– there are no professional counselors or trained clergy. There are, however, people present who have walked through pain, hurt, disappointment, and loss…AND they are intent on helping the downtrodden.

2 Corinthians 1:4 reads, “He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.”
Cell ministry is team ministry in which the pastor is not propped up as the almighty counselor, “go to guy,” and Bible answer man. Cell ministry empowers people to be the hands and feet of Christ. One is not alone to traverse the valleys of life.

This week, may your cell and the cells of your church be the listening ears and the hearts of love for the hurting.



Korean blog (click here)

Portuguese blog:

“Cuidado e Conforto emu ma igreja em células”

Por Rob Campbell,

Essa semana, os blogueiros aqui no JCG estão postando seus pensamentos sobre a base bblica para a igreja em células. Esse post centrado na vontade de Deus (enraizados nas escrituras) para consolar uns aos outros. Primeiro, deixe-me compartilhar uma história.

Recentemente, um homem se aproximou de mim logo antes do culto de domingo de manhã. Ele me perguntou se eu poderia gastar um tempo com ele, lhe dando conselhos. Eu falei que adoraria conhece-lo, mas eu não era bom em aconselhamentos de longo prazo. Eu gosto de mudanças e perco a paixão nos aconselhamentos de longo prazo, que são rápidos. A medida em que os dias foram se desenrolando, fui conhecendo ele melhor.

O homem era muito baixo e me contou sua história através de muitas lágrimas. Sua esposa a algumas décadas foi a pedido de divórcio. Ele estava fora do trabalho e com medo de perder um filho desse modo. Eu expressei minha tristeza. Fiquei impressionado com sua habilidade de andar através da sua escuridão com integridade, graça e amor de Deus. Isso certamente não seria fácil, dado a sua situação. Além disso, ele aceitou uma boa parte da responsabilidade por sua condição de vida.

Eu encorajei ele a fazer parte de uma célula. Ele respondeu: “Não, obrigado!”. Eu respondi: “O que você quer dizer?. Acho que você ira encontrar um suporte e ajuda através de um grupo de relacionamento.” Ele afirmou: “não preciso de nenhum grupo de células. Eu já tenho um. Eles têm me sustentado por essa dor e agonia..
Eu perguntei: “Como eles te sustentam?”.

Ele respondeu: “Eles me ouviram e me amaram”,

Para meu conhecimento, nesse grupo de célula – não existem conselheiros profissionais ou pastores treinados. Eles são, no entanto, pessoas que andaram através da dor, magoa, decepção e perdas… e eles tem a intenção de ajudar os oprimidos.

2 Corintios 1:4 fala: “Ele nos consola em toda e qualquer situação, para que possamos consolar uns aos outros. Quando os outros estão preocupados, vamos ser capazes de dar-lhes o mesmo conforto que Deus nos deu”.

O ministério em célula é um ministério de equipe em que o pastor não é sustentado como o “conselheiro chefe” ou o “homem de todas as respostas”. O ministério em células habilita as pessoas para ser as mãos e os pés de Jesus. Para que um não atravesse sozinho os vales da vida.

Nessa semana, que a sua célula e as células da sua igreja possam ser os ouvidos e os corações de amor para aqueles que estão feridos.




“El cuidado y comodidad en la Iglesia de la célula”

Por Rob Campbell,

Esta semana, los bloggers aqu en JCG están escribiendo sus pensamientos sobre la base bblica para la iglesia celular. Este blog se centra en el deseo de Dios (arraigada en las Escrituras) que consolamos a otros.
En primer lugar, permtanme compartir una ilustración.

Recientemente, un hombre se acercó a m justo antes del culto el domingo. Él me preguntó si poda pasar algún tiempo con él para ofrecerle consejo. Le dije que me encantara conocerlo, pero yo no era muy bueno en consejera a largo paso. Me gusta el cambio y pierdo pasión por consejera a largo plazo. A la vez, reun con el y le conoca.

Este hombre estaba desanimado y por lágrimas me contó la historia de su esposa que haba demandado un divorcio. Él estaba sin trabajo. Expresé mi dolor. Me quedé impresionado con su habilidad para caminar a través de su oscuridad con integridad, la gracia y el amor de Dios. Eso ciertamente no fue fácil dado su suerte. Además, este hombre aceptó una buena parte de la responsabilidad por su condición de vida.

Le animé a ser parte de una célula. Él respondió: “No, gracias.” Le respond: “¿Qué quieres decir? Creo que usted encontrará un buen apoyo a través de las relaciones con otros. “Él dijo:” No es necesario ningún grupo celular. Tengo una célula ya. Ellos me han sostenido a través de este dolor y la agona.”
Yo le pregunté: “¿Cómo te han sostenido?”

Él dijo: “Ellos me han escuchado y me ha amado.”

Supe que en esta célula, no hubo consejeros profesionales o pastores entrenados. Hay, sin embargo, las personas presentes que han caminado a través del dolor, desanimo, y pérdida … Y ellos tienen la intención de ayudar a los oprimidos.

2 Corintios 1: 4 dice: “Él nos consuela en todas nuestras tribulaciones, para que podamos consolar a otros. Cuando otros están preocupados, vamos a ser capaces de darles el mismo consuelo que Dios nos ha dado”
En el ministerio celular el pastor principal no es el consejero todopoderoso. El no es el hombre con todas las respuestas. El ministerio celular prepara a las personas a ser las manos y los pies de Cristo. Uno no es solo para atravesar los valles de la vida.

Ojalá que esta semana tus células son los odos que escuchan y los corazones de los que están sufriendo.



1 Comment

  1. Joel Comiskey

    Ghislaine writes from London:
    Thanks for sharing this Rob.
    I am a newly appointed cell leader in Manor Park, East London, England.
    A couple of years ago, Joel Comiskey visited my church and was of great encouragement to our Cell Church.
    I lead a large cell group of twelve members. Our average age is 65. We all have some health issues or another. Some walk with walking sticks . Another needs to be pushed along in a wheelchair. Yet we do not allow frailness of the body to deter us from serving our Lord.
    The Lord commands us to go and be Salt and light to the world.We are the Lord’s City on a hill so we cannot or should not be hidden. I am still a babe in Christ, having just recently given my life to the Lord. Our cell leader was moving to a different part of the country and a replacement was needed urgently. I gave them one hundred or more excuses why I should not be their new cell leader. However God had a Plan for me. He would not take no for an answer. He said to me, “my child, I have chosen you. I will equip you for the task ahead. All I want of you is the will to do the job. Do not be afraid. I will give you boldness. I will put prayers into your heart and words of prayer into your mouth.I will shine my light through you.” So I just said ” here I am Lord. I am fully available to be used by you.” That was the beginning of a great journey in transforming the cell group by the lead of the Holy Spirit.
    We meet once a week as a cell group in the Church as it is a convenient place for everyone. One day I started the worship session of the meeting by quoting Psalms 100:1-2 in[ King James version] “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness,come before his presence with singing.” We all sang louder than ever before. At the end of the meeting there was a builder who was carrying out repairs in the church,he came to us and said how much he enjoyed our singing .Although he was not a believer himself, our singing made him want to sing too. That was how our Seniors’ Choir ” Voices of Angels” was formed.
    Christmas 2014 we decided that we must obey the Lord’s command to go out to the community and be his Salt and Light. We aimed to bring the good news about Jesus to the elderly folks by way of hymns and gospel songs and to share God’s love with them.
    We, as a cell group donated some money to buy Xmas gifts and cards for the staff and residence of a nursing home in the local area.
    It was a bitterly cold day. One of the members had to push another in wheelchair for over eight hundred metres. Glory and praises are to God. He strengthened her to be able to do so. We sang Christmas Carols to all at the nursing home. Some workers and residences joined in the singing. We all had a blessed day. The Senior’s Voice of Angels choir were invited to come back to sing gospel songs again this coming Easter 2015 and again for this coming Xmas. The Lord wants his message to be heard in any way or form. Let us all go out to our community and be a witness and Light of our Lord Jesus Christ. The harvest field is ripe but the workers are few to reap the harvest. Please pray for us to be fruitful.
    Much love in Jesus Christ.
    London, England.


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Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell, Director of Mission Advancement, Makarios,, Founding Pastor of Cypress Creek Church
