Culture: Friend or Foe?

By Rob Campbell, Author Jerry Solomon writes, “… God’s basic attitude toward culture is that which the apostle Paul articulates in I Corinthians 9:19-22. That is, he views human culture primarily as a vehicle to be used by him and...

Culture and Structure

by Daphne Kirk, Many try and change culture by changing the structure, however it is my understanding that it needs to be the other way round. A change in culture will provoke a change in structure. I view "culture" as a  result...

Will It Work Here?

by Steve Cordle, Years ago, when I first considered adopting a cell church philosophy of ministry, I wondered, “Cell ministry obviously works in Latin America, but will it work here?” Let me share what I wrote about this in my book...

Culture and the Cell Church

by Joel Comiskey God so loved the world that he gave his only son. He loved the world so much that he became a baby, learned Aramaic, fit into a particular culture, and related to people on their level. Missionaries do the same thing. They move to an area, learn the...

Spiritual Growth

by Robert Lay, Cell Church Ministry Brazil When a person is born again, a potential leader is born. Salvation and justification are instantaneous. Growth and sanctification happen through a process. A healthy leader is the result of a long process of discipleship...