Church Planters

by | Jul 14, 2016 | Uncategorized | 1 comment


by Mario Vega,

Churches are the body of Christ on earth, consequently, they should do what Jesus would do in our circumstances today. The answer to that aspiration should be the biggest motivation when one plants a church. Church planters should have Christ’s heart as they lead.  That is, someone compassionate, willing to serve, to receive the despised, to care for children, to heal communities, to bring hope to the hopeless.

Of course the biblical and theological formations are important, but these cannot replace the heart of Jesus that should beat inside the minister. By definition, a minister is someone who serves others. Without this intimate vocation of service, without expecting to receive anything in return, one can hardly speak of a real Christian church. One can speak of a religious group, a group of friends; but it won’t be the body of Christ on earth. We must pray that God send church planters with the heart of Jesus to reap the harvest.

Korean blog (click here)

Portuguese blog:

Plantadores de Igreja

Por Mario Vega,

Igrejas são o corpo de Cristo na terra, consequentemente, elas devem fazer o que Jesus faria em nossas atuais circunstâncias. A resposta à esse propósito deve ser a maior motivação quando se planta uma igreja. Plantadores de igreja devem ter o coração de Cristo enquanto eles lideram. Isto é, alguém compassivo, disposto a servir, para receber o desprezado, para cuidar de crianças, para curar comunidades, para trazer a esperança ao que não tem.

É claro que as formações bblicas e teológicas são importantes, mas elas não podem substituir o coração de Jesus, que deve bater dentro do ministro. Por definição, um ministro é alguém que serve aos outros. Sem essa ntima vocação de serviço, que não espera receber nada em troca, dificilmente se pode falar de uma igreja cristã real. Pode-se falar de um grupo religioso, um grupo de amigos, mas isso não será o corpo de Cristo na terra. Nós devemos orar para que Deus envie plantadores de igreja com o coração de Jesus para realizarem a colheita.

Spanish blog:

Los plantadores de iglesias

por Mario Vega

Las iglesias son el cuerpo de Cristo en la tierra, consecuentemente, deberan hacer lo mismo que Jesús hara en nuestras circunstancias hoy. El responder a esa aspiración debera ser la mayor motivación cuando se planta una iglesia. Al frente debe encontrarse un hombre con el corazón de Cristo. Es decir, alguien compasivo, dispuesto a servir, a recibir a los despreciados, a atender a los niños, a sanar las comunidades, a llevar esperanza a los desesperados.

Por supuesto que la formación bblica y teológica son importantes, pero no pueden sustituir el corazón de Jesús que debe palpitar en el ministro. Por definición, un ministro es alguien que sirve a los demás. Sin esa ntima vocación de servicio, sin esperar recibir nada a cambio, difcilmente se puede hablar propiamente de una iglesia cristiana. Se puede hablar de un grupo religioso, de un grupo de amigos; pero, no será el cuerpo de Cristo sobre la tierra. Debemos orar para que Dios enven este tipo de obreros a su mies.

1 Comment

  1. Edward Ro Hnun


    Greetings you from the Upper Myanmar (Burma) in the name of Jesus. I see your address on Twitter internet and very interesting on, hope that now God has given me a faithful brothers and sisters to set up His Kingdom among the Buddhists, to the unreached land in Myanmar.
    I am serving the Lord among the Buddhist people, the unreached land to tribal people. I’m the only Pastor in my mission field. Now God has given me two missionaries to help my mission work. By faith alone we are standing for Christ to pursue the loosing souls. When I have started my mission work my family only worship God. But now God has given me over forty souls, converted from their Buddhist background. Now we are become, stands as the church. We can sing the precious songs, can pray to God. Praise the Lord though I am nothing, He did blssed me. Predicaments and troublesomes are nothing for me, as regular for me. I have been experieced alot of the Authorities’ office called, always God is standing before me and prepares the way to free. God is very good especially for me. And I have a small children home, please pray for them.

    Pastor, I do really need you for the extension of the Kingdom. If you have a time please do come and visit me at my church to teach the Word of God. We are spoon feedings.

    Hearing from you is my first concern.

    Hope to hearing from you as soon as possible.

    Your Labor in Christ,
    Pastor Edward Ro Hnun.

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.


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Mario Vega

Mario Vega

Senior leader for Elim International,
