By Stephen Daigle, College and Young Adult Pastor at Celebration Church,
7 years ago I was living in Northern India. During that time, a local pastor and I started to dream and pray about what God wanted to do in the coming years in that part of the world. We both believed that God wanted to expand His Kingdom by planting churches birthed through cells started in the house. We began a small fellowship in a Hindi village that same week. The verse Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin.. (Zechariah 4:10 NIV) was a constant encouragement over these past 7 years and reminder that (1) everything begins small and (2) God is rejoicing whenever we step out in faith to start whatever work He has called us to do.
Fast forward to today. Last week we hosted our annual conference in North India for the churches that were started from that single fellowship 7 years ago. As of today, there are 13 churches in 2 countries (Nepal and India) that were birthed from that one fellowship in that Hindi village 7 years ago. There have been over 17 baptisms and a countless number of lives transformed by the person and power of Jesus Christ. We now have a vision of 50 churches by the year 2025 and believe that God is going to do exceedingly more than that (Ephesians 3:20).
Cell ministry can be hard. There are ups and downs. Encouraging days filled with testimonies of how God is moving. Discouraging days hearing of individuals wanting to quit or maybe causing dissension. No matter what the season, we are to stay focused and faithful. There’s a popular children’s book called the Tortoise and the Hare. It highlights a race between a rabbit and a tortoise. Unexpectedly, the hare wins the race with his consistency and perseverance. A key phrase from that book that I always remember is ‘slow and steady wins the race’. I feel like cell ministry is like that. Slow, but steady.
I am so encouraged this week seeing the work that God is doing through cell ministry in India. It encourages me as I write this knowing that God is delighting in the ministries we are putting our hands to! What a privilege to serve God! What a joy to know that our labor in the Lord is not in vain, even if it is ‘Slow and Steady’.
Portuguese blog:
Por Stephen Daigle, Colégio e Pastor de Jovens Adultos na Celebration Church,
Avançando para hoje. Na semana passada, realizamos nossa conferência anual no norte da Índia para as igrejas que começaram naquela comunhão há 7 anos. Atualmente, existem 13 igrejas em 2 países (Nepal e Índia) que nasceram dessa comunhão naquela vila hindu há 7 anos. Houve mais de 17 batismos e um número incontável de vidas transformadas pela pessoa e pelo poder de Jesus Cristo. Agora temos uma visão de 50 igrejas até o ano 2025 e acreditamos que Deus fará muito mais do que isso (Efésios 3:20).
O ministério celular pode ser difícil. Existem altos e baixos. Há dias encorajadores cheios de testemunhos de como Deus está se movendo. Outros, desencorajadores ao ouvir pessoas que desejam parar ou talvez causar discórdia. Não importa a estação, devemos permanecer focados e fiéis. Há uma fábula infantil popular sobre a Tartaruga e a Lebre. Ela fala sobre uma corrida entre um coelho e uma tartaruga. Inesperadamente, a tartaruga vence a corrida com sua consistência e perseverança. Uma frase-chave desse conto que eu sempre lembro é “devagar e sempre, vence a corrida’. Eu sinto que o ministério celular é assim. Lento, mas constante.
Estou muito encorajado esta semana vendo o trabalho que Deus está fazendo através do ministério de células na Índia. Isso me encoraja ao escrever isso sabendo que Deus está se deliciando com os ministérios nos quais estamos colocando nossas mãos! Que privilégio servir a Deus! Que alegria saber que nosso trabalho no Senhor não é em vão, mesmo que seja “devagar e sempre”.
Spanish blog: