The House Church and Community

By Rob Campbell, Founding Pastor, The house church was a central factor in the church’s development, providing the context in which the early believers could express their faith in the risen Christ, nurture each other, and expand the gospel...

The Church’s Basic Expression

By Steve Cordle, When you hear the word “church,” what comes to mind? Can you imagine a healthy church that does not have a large celebration service? The early church did. For a first-century believer, “church” did not evoke...

Back to the Basics: The Cell Is the Church

By Joel Comiskey, Biblical Foundations for the Cell-based Church Most churches have small groups. Those groups might be important, but in the back of their minds, the true church is the larger Sunday celebration gathering. They might offer a buffet of small group...

Don’t Let the Salt Lose its Flavor!

By José R. Zavala V., Founding pastor of Guayaquil Norte – Ecuador, ; “You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor [saltiness]? Can they make it salty again? They...