By Joel Comiskey, Myths and Truths of the Cell-based Church
We discussed goals for 2025 in January. This is good. However, goals without prayer backing will fizzle.
If the church starts by focusing on goals, programs, and strategies without a foundation of prayer, it’s like building a house on sand. It might look impressive initially, but it lacks the stability and strength to weather storms or fulfill its purpose.
When prayer is the priority, it becomes the bedrock of the church—like laying a solid foundation.
We must not move in our strength and techniques. After seeing the vast needs around him, Jesus was moved with compassion. Then he told his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (Matthew 9:37-38). Jesus prioritized prayer, and so must we.
God must give grace to win the victory over the enemy and stir people to become disciples. Prayer shows our dependence on God and helps us remember that the battle belongs to the Lord.
The largest church in the history of Christianity is a praying church. Yes, cells were the base, but prayer was behind their amazing growth. Let’s follow their example and dedicate ourselves to prayer.
Whether we’re making disciples in a receptive area of the world or a post-Christian area, only Jesus can open blind minds. We cannot. Paul tells us that unbelievers are blind and cannot see unless the light of the gospel of Christ shines on them (2 Corinthians 4: 4-4). God uses our prayers to open blind eyes and stir hearts for the gospel.
For February, experienced pastors and leaders will post 20 blogs. Click here if you’d like to receive these blogs in your email inbox. We’ll cover:
- February 2-8: The power of prayer in converting men and women. Only God can set a soul free. Regeneration is a miracle from God. He asks us to pray. Beyond regeneration is becoming a true disciple. Many receive Jesus, but few follow all the way. Discipleship is the crying need, and true disciples are formed in prayer. We’ll write about the power of prayer in the salvation and discipleship of souls.
- February 9-15: Praying as a cell. How can cells make a difference through prayer? We’ll write about passionate praying in the cell group and various cell strategies for prayer.
- February 16 to February 22: Prayer in the larger gathering. All of the cell churches in my original study focused on praying as a church. What is your church doing to gather everyone to pray? Morning prayer? Half-night prayer? We’ll write about the power of prayer at the level of the entire church.
- February 23 to March 1: Testimonies of the power of prayer. We’ll remind churches about prayer’s foundation and discuss the fruit God brings through evangelistic praying.
Korean blog (click here)
Portuguese blog:
By Joel Comiskey, Myths and Truths of the Cell-based Church
We discussed goals for 2025 in January. This is good. However, goals without prayer backing will fizzle.
If the church starts by focusing on goals, programs, and strategies without a foundation of prayer, it’s like building a house on sand. It might look impressive initially, but it lacks the stability and strength to weather storms or fulfill its purpose.
When prayer is the priority, it becomes the bedrock of the church—like laying a solid foundation.
We must not move in our strength and techniques. After seeing the vast needs around him, Jesus was moved with compassion. Then he told his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (Matthew 9:37-38). Jesus prioritized prayer, and so must we.
God must give grace to win the victory over the enemy and stir people to become disciples. Prayer shows our dependence on God and helps us remember that the battle belongs to the Lord.
The largest church in the history of Christianity is a praying church. Yes, cells were the base, but prayer was behind their amazing growth. Let’s follow their example and dedicate ourselves to prayer.
Whether we’re making disciples in a receptive area of the world or a post-Christian area, only Jesus can open blind minds. We cannot. Paul tells us that unbelievers are blind and cannot see unless the light of the gospel of Christ shines on them (2 Corinthians 4: 4-4). God uses our prayers to open blind eyes and stir hearts for the gospel.
For February, experienced pastors and leaders will post 20 blogs. Click here if you’d like to receive these blogs in your email inbox. We’ll cover:
- February 2-8: The power of prayer in converting men and women. Only God can set a soul free. Regeneration is a miracle from God. He asks us to pray. Beyond regeneration is becoming a true disciple. Many receive Jesus, but few follow all the way. Discipleship is the crying need, and true disciples are formed in prayer. We’ll write about the power of prayer in the salvation and discipleship of souls.
- February 9-15: Praying as a cell. How can cells make a difference through prayer? We’ll write about passionate praying in the cell group and various cell strategies for prayer.
- February 16 to February 22: Prayer in the larger gathering. All of the cell churches in my original study focused on praying as a church. What is your church doing to gather everyone to pray? Morning prayer? Half-night prayer? We’ll write about the power of prayer at the level of the entire church.
- February 23 to March 1: Testimonies of the power of prayer. We’ll remind churches about prayer’s foundation and discuss the fruit God brings through evangelistic praying.
Spanish blog:
Por Joel Comiskey, Mitos y Verdades de la Iglesia Celular
En enero, discutimos las metas para el 2025. Esto es bueno. Sin embargo, las metas sin el respaldo de la oración se desvanecerán.
Si la iglesia comienza a enfocarse en metas, programas y estrategias sin un fundamento de oración, es como construir una casa sobre arena. Puede parecer impresionante al principio, pero carece de la estabilidad y la fuerza necesarias para capear las tormentas o cumplir su propósito.
Cuando la oración es la prioridad, se convierte en el cimiento de la iglesia, como cuando se ponen unos cimientos sólidos.
No debemos movernos con nuestras fuerzas y técnicas. Después de ver las enormes necesidades a su alrededor, Jesús se sintió movido a compasión. Entonces dijo a sus discípulos: «La mies es mucha, pero los obreros pocos. Rogad, pues, al Dueño de la mies que envíe obreros a su campo» (Mateo 9, 37-38). Jesús dio prioridad a la oración, y nosotros también debemos hacerlo.
Dios debe dar gracia para obtener la victoria sobre el enemigo y animar a la gente a convertirse en discípulos. La oración muestra nuestra dependencia de Dios y nos ayuda a recordar que la batalla pertenece al Señor.
La iglesia más grande en la historia del cristianismo es una iglesia que ora. Sí, las células eran la base, pero la oración estaba detrás de su asombroso crecimiento. Sigamos su ejemplo y dediquémonos a la oración.
Ya sea que estemos haciendo discípulos en un área receptiva del mundo o en un área post-cristiana, sólo Jesús puede abrir las mentes ciegas, nosotros no podemos. Pablo nos dice que los incrédulos están cegados y no pueden ver a menos que la luz del evangelio de Cristo brille para ellos (2 Corintios 4: 4-4). Dios utiliza nuestras oraciones para abrir ojos ciegos y despertar corazones para el evangelio.
En febrero, pastores y líderes experimentados publicarán 20 blogs. Haga clic aquí si desea recibir estos blogs en su correo electrónico. Cubriremos:
- Febrero 2-8: El poder de la oración en la conversión de hombres y mujeres. Sólo Dios puede liberar un alma. La regeneración es un milagro de Dios. Él nos pide que oremos. Más allá de la regeneración está el convertirse en un verdadero discípulo. Muchos reciben a Jesús, pero pocos lo siguen hasta el final. El discipulado es la necesidad más apremiante, y los verdaderos discípulos se forman en la oración. Escribiremos sobre el poder de la oración en la salvación y el discipulado de las almas.
- Del 9 al 15 de febrero: Orar como célula. ¿Cómo pueden las células marcar la diferencia a través de la oración? Escribiremos sobre la oración apasionada en el grupo celular y varias estrategias celulares para la oración.
- Del 16 al 22 de febrero: La oración en la reunión más amplia. Todas las iglesias celulares de mi estudio original se centraron en la oración como iglesia. ¿Qué hace su iglesia para reunir a todos a orar? ¿Oración matutina? ¿Oración de media noche? Escribiremos sobre el poder de la oración a nivel de toda la iglesia.
- Del 23 de febrero al 1 de marzo: Testimonios del poder de la oración. Recordaremos a las iglesias los fundamentos de la oración. Hablaremos del fruto que Dios trae a través de la oración evangelizadora.