by briankannel | Aug 20, 2015 | Uncategorized
By Brian Kannel, lead pastor at and author of Follow Me What do you do when you’re totally wiped out? I don’t just mean that you’ve had a long day, but more like a long week or series of months. The kind of bone-weary...
by briankannel | Jul 31, 2013 | Uncategorized
by Brian Kannel, lead pastor of York Alliance Church and author of Follow Me You’ve probably heard the story of the pastor who had called all the children from the church to the front for the children’s sermon. He told the kids that he was...
by briankannel | Jul 24, 2013 | Uncategorized
by Brian Kannel, lead pastor of York Alliance Church and author of Follow Me It’s not my fault. Or any of our faults, really. It’s the way we’ve always been. The cell church movement has literally spanned the globe, touching an incredible...
by briankannel | Nov 29, 2012 | Uncategorized
by Brian Kannel True confession: I’m kind of a sports nerd. I don’t follow as much as I used to (four kids and a growing church tend to shift priorities), but I still love to see the various storylines unfold in the world of sports. Among the most...
by briankannel | Nov 22, 2012 | Uncategorized
by Brian Kannel, lead pastor of York Alliance Church Next year is my 20th high school reunion. (Insert here: All comments about how either young I am, or old I am, based on your perspective, followed by either a slightly patronizing smile or a slightly overconfident...
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