Ministry is a Marathon not a Sprint, part two

by Dr. Jim Wall, Executive Director, Acts 2 Network, It was the seventh year in the life of Western Branch Community Church in Chesapeake, VA, USA. In that short time the church had grown to over 1,000 souls. Sixty percent of that growth had come...

Setting Goals That Lead to a Changed Heart

by Jim Wall, The goal setting process has always created genuine conflict for me. Don’t misunderstand me, I am a goal setter. Some might even say I set audacious, even unreachable goals. I have no doubt that has a lot to do with the cell growth...

The Cry for Spiritual Fathers and Mothers

by Jim Wall, I didn’t realize as we went to dinner that night that my life would never be the same. A few years ago, Joel Comiskey and I taught a seminar on “cell church planting” in San Salvador, El Salvador. As we sat at dinner with...

Who is calling you out of your comfort zone?

by Jim Wall, The ninth chapter of Luke describes Jesus’ disciples as living with a tension. Verse one describes them as being in awe. Verse three describes them as being afraid. Living in awe of what God is doing is a good thing. It stretches...

Integration: From Cell to Celebration

by Jim Wall Both cell and celebration gatherings are critical parts of dispensing hope to a hopeless world. I’ve noticed that our celebration services typically sees two types of first time attenders. The Type A visitor is the one who walks about three steps into...