A Word Fast

by | Jul 17, 2007 | Cell Church Ministry | 0 comments

                      In the past few posts, Steve and Joel have been discussing holiness and fasting.  Indeed, fasting is a spiritual discipline that increases our dependence on God.  There are a variety of fasts such as a food fast, the ever so popular “Daniel” fast, and more.  Believers have become quite creative concerning fasts as of late, eh?

I would like to encourage your cell to participate in a “word” fast.  I believe I first heard about this type of fast through Sylvia Gunter, the author of Prayer Portions.  The main gist of this fast is hinged to a strict adherence to the following scripture.

Ephesians 4:29 states, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”  I understand that this is a command for our entire lives, not just a set period of time.  However, for now– participate in this experience for a twenty-four time period.

You will soon discover the connection that Jesus highlights between your words and your heart.  You may discover that you participate in idle chatter, sarcasm or judgment.  It’s an amazing experience that allows God to reveal to you who you are and grants to you a vivid glimpse of your heart.

Many of our leaders participate in such a fast prior to an Encounter retreat.  I do a word fast on a consistent basis.  Frankly, it’s gut-wrenching, revealing and at the same time….worthwhile.

As God leads you, why not invite your cell members to participate in such an experience?  Allow your cell members to pick a twenty-four hour period that best suits them.  Experience the word fast and then share with each other at your cell gathering. 

For clarity sake, please know that a word fast is not necessarily an experience in which you do not speak at all.  You do speak in accordance with the verse mentioned above.



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Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell, Director of Mission Advancement, Makarios, www.makdr.org, Founding Pastor of Cypress Creek Church
