Ben Wong, founder of CCMN, has an excellent PowerPoint on the concept of sending (or being sent out) (download the PowerPoint here). He argues that Christ desires to “send us” rather than “keep us.” Ben feels that the missing factor in the modern doctrine of the church is “sending.” He emphasizes that the “church” is what the people of God DO in the world, rather than what we do in “church.” Jesus often talked about how the Father sent him into the world (e.g., Luke 4:18, John 4:34). And then at least seven times Jesus tells us that we are also sent into the world to continue the process. Jesus says in John 17:18, for example, “As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.”
Jesus trained and discipled people in order to send them. Sadly, we often disciple people in order to keep them. Notice that the word “send” is lodged within Christ’s prayer for harvest workers. Jesus says, “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field†(Matthew 9:38).
Cell ministry is never an end in itself. Unless cell members are challenged and trained to be workers, small groups easily become an end in themselves. Ben Wong says, “Sending should be the basic DNA of the church. . . A person’s growth has a progression – from following leaders – to becoming a leader.”
He even wonders if we should change the term “multiplication” to “sending.” Whatever you call it, I”m sure you get the point: God matures us spiritually in order to send us. Would you agree? Disagree? What’s your opinion?
Joel Comiskey
Dear brother in the Lord,
It is a great pleasure for me to that Jesus was sent on earth to redeem the earth for God.May the Lord help me and His other children that God’s will is that we go for Him spreading the good news of Christ to the unreached.
Dear Brother Pastor Joel:
Just want you to know I appreciate your ministry and monthy emailing … wishing you and family a Merry Christmas and exciting new year in Christ.
Your life and your ministry have benn such a blessing to me. I have enjoyed reading your books and watching your teachings. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and know that you are a blessing and a gift to the Body of Christ.
All of God’sbest to youand your wonderful Family,
Steve Bowman
Dear Joel,
Excellent word. So many say either with their words or actions, wait your not ready. Hold on now, just a little bit longer. Like an over protective parent, they hold on & hold back the Sons of God from their true destiny. God has almost never said to me, wait, hold on now, not to fast. I am usually the one saying, “Are you sure?” “You want me to go? Now? And do what?” God is sending. Are we willing to go and be salt & light?
Merry Christmas, my dear brother. Keep up the good work.
Harry Stevenson
Right on. I hope you continue to write articles that get to the point. I live in Guatemala and so many here are growing big churches but missing the point. Let’s hope cell churches will concentrate on what Jesus told us to do.
Merry Christmas
David Choiniere
I led Matt to Christ July 30th 2008 and have been mentoring him through your equipping track. We have completed Live, Encounter, Grow books and are now in Share. If we keep on this track and he is willing, I will release the bulk of my cell to him and go plant another one before Easter. Weekly equipping goes a long way in in preparing people to be sent out quickly. Then with good coaching and encouragement he can pour himself into someone else as he continues to grow himself.
I appreciate all the comments thus far. One person told me that the PowerPoints were very helpful. As Michael shared above, the key is training and then sending.
Your email comes at just the time I needed encouragement. I have been involved in a cell group for the past three years. We have grown in numbers. I have been a co leader. Several events recently have let me know I should be moving on to search for a new church in a new area that we will be moving in to once the economy allows our new house to be built. I’ve been in limbo and waiting for encouragement. There are so many who need him. Just where and when do I start? I am in prayer.
Great news, Bonnie. The key is your last phrase, “I am in prayer.” Effective sending stems from fervent prayer (John 17 in Christ’s prayer for the disciples to be sent). “Lord, grant Bonnie abundant fruit.”
Do our lives tell the stories of going out from the church or do they talk about being in the church? Does Jesus life, and the life of those in the Bible, tell the story of going out from the church or being inside the church? hard questions that i am asking myself….
…i linked this article to to share it with others…thanks!
Scott in Vegas,
Remember, you don’t “go to church”. You “are the Church”. When “you” go the church is going. When “you” minister the church is ministering. We have to reform our thinking about the church. It’s not the building or program. It’s about us. It’s about people. Jesus invested His time in His disciples because He knew that they would be the stones that His Church would be build from.
Great point, Harry.
Saludos.Estoy muy contento trabajando el sistema de grupos celulares, mi pequeña congregacion de 24 bautizados, se ha convertido en una iglesia de 95 bautizados en solo año y medio. Pero la reflexion de Mateo 1:23 es muy cierta, me cuesta trabajo imprimir en los nuevos la idea que debemos salir y traer a mas personas a nuestra celula, y que los que ya estan en la iglesia tengan la vision de ser lideres o gente de compromiso. Felicidades a toda su familia, aqui desde Villahermosa, Tabasco, México. Lo recuerdo con cariño
Gloria a Dios por el crecimiento en tu iglesia, hermano! Como tu has dicho, la clave es preparar a los conversos para verse como para algo más alla de si mismo–la visión para alcanzar un mundo para Cristo.