New Year Resolutions for Your Cell Ministry

by | Jan 4, 2009 | Uncategorized | 3 comments

joelJanuary is a month of new beginnings. What would you like to see God do in your church in 2009? New cells? Start a celebration service? Transition to the cell church? Refocus?

One of my goals is to see a new robust cell group in my house which will primarily reach my neighborhood. One "outside the neighborhood" 2009Christian couple will probably join us. Our plan is for my wife and I to meet with this couple at 6:30 p.m. to take them through the equipping track, starting with the LIVE book. The LIFE group will start at 7 p.m..

Yet, we’ve made it clear to this new couple that our vision is to reach neighbors. .

We invited our next door neighbor two days ago. They seemed very interested, but the wife mentioned that she works late on Tuesday night. The husband said that he was available, as well as their two daughters. I was pleasantly shocked when they said, "And our daughter has not been baptized, and we’re wondering if you could perform the baptism!" They went on to say, "As you know, we have a pool in the backyard." I mentioned the need for pre-baptismal training. My hope is that I can use the equipping track as the training–and not only prepare the daughter for baptism but also minister to the entire family.

Perhaps you already have a cell and your goal is to prepare another leader? Or perhpas you plan on becoming a coach of other cell leaders in 2009? What are you hoping to see God do in your church ministry in 2009?

Joel Comiskey


  1. Galen Currah

    May the Lord Jesus grant you the desires of your heart!

    Yes, if pre-baptismal teaching can be done in a timely manner,
    it can help the candidates and their relatives better understand
    repentance, faith and the new life that baptism initiates.

    Since the command of Jesus was to the church to baptize newly
    repentant folk, and not to candidates “to take a public stand”
    or some other unbiblical rationale, churches must sometimes
    baptize first and explain later, as the apostles of Jesus often did.

    May the peace of God come over your neighbors’ homes!

  2. Michael Sove

    I’m very excited to see what God will do in 2009. On July 30th I had the honor or leadeing Matt Jones to Christ. I have met with him weekly since that date and have taken him through Joel’s equipping track books. (I highly recommend) We covered Live, Encounter, Grow and Share and are about to enter Lead. Matt plans to attend my Lead seminar and I hope to have a prepared facilitator by Easter. When the timing is right and he births out of my group I will continue the coaching relationship with him and help him continue to grow in His faith and confidence. This is just my group. I’m praying for three other groups all preparing to birth. It’s not a quick process but the end result is so much better when you pour your life into an individual who can then pour their life into someone else. Look around your cell group and choose to believe and invest in someone and you’ll see a return on that investment.

  3. Administrator

    Great comments. I’m excited about what Jesus is going to do through your churches!


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Joel Comiskey, Ph.D., founder of JCG Resources
