I’ve recently been excited about the relationship between the Sunday sermon (or in the case of ELIM, the mid-week teaching) and the cell group. Up until two months ago, we at Wellspring only celebrated once per month. We still gave the cell leaders a weekly lesson that we created from the biblical text.
However, since we’ve been meeting weekly, I’m excited about the possibility of hearing a message in a group gathering and then meditating on that message in the cell setting (to see last week’s cell lesson, click here). Sermons and cell lessons are two sides of the same coin. One side is informational and in-depth (sermon). The other side is practical and personal (cell lesson). [p.s.: an additional side is the equipping track. For example, I’ll be taking a family through the equipping track before the LIFE group begins, which adds even more depth to the discipleship experience].
No wonder functional cell churches are so healthy! Granted, discipleship beyond “church on Sunday” isn’t readily accepted in our culture. Yet, when the spiritual hunger for more is present, applying the sermon in the cell goes a long way in making disciples who make disciples.
What do you think? What is your experience in this area?
Joel Comiskey
Dear brother,
I am thankful to God who is inspiring you in his work, especially leading small group to apply his word in their daily Life.I realised that, in our Churches today, we do not see People’s life transformed into the likeness of Christ, simply because we don’t give them the opportunity to listen from the word and apply it into their daily life. Hold on my dear brother and Pray continue to bless this life programme.
Yours within the kingdom,
Lam excited about the way there is a connection between the sunday service message and the house fellowship.This has been the cry of my heart that what God has spoken to the church on sunday should go down to the life churches..This will ensure that the word of God has a place in the lives of the members.And will enable the leader to know the really needs of the members and the challenges they have in their walk with God.
God bless you remember lam following you evry month in this monthly newsletter.
Rev.Ernest Masinde
Dear Joel:
Loved what you wrote this month about APPLYING GOD’S WORD.
Thanks for your monthly emailings,