by Mario Vega
One of the basic principles about goal setting is that they must be clearly defined. Each person should have complete clarity about what, how, and when the goals are pursued. One way to clarify the goal is to constantly repeat it. The more you mention the goal; the more probabilities there will be for people to actually fulfil it.
However, even if we have a very clear definition of the goal and a passionate desire to reach it, we still might miss the goal unless we also have the proper means to achieve the goal. Therefore, a a large part of achieving the goal is to have the proper means to accomplish the goal and then to faithfully progress toward the goal. If we do this, the accomplishment of the goal is assured. Remember: progress toward the goal is exactly proportional to the purity of our means.
These means are prayer, the implementation of a training course for new leaders, fidelity to the cell work principles, the transmission of the vision, and the constant care of those involved in the cell work. As we manage to care for these details in a meticulously way, we’ll be assuring the attainment of the aimed goals.
Mario Vega
Translation in Spanish
Las metas y cómo alcanzarlas.
Lo básico al hablar del tema de las metas es que éstas deben estar claramente definidas. Cada persona debe tener completa claridad de lo que se persigue y para cuándo se persigue. Una manera de aclarar la meta es su repetición. A mayor cantidad de veces la meta se menciona más probabilidades existen de que las personas se la apropien.
No obstante, la definición más clara posible de la meta y nuestro deseo de llegar a ella no nos harán alcanzarla si no conocemos y utilizamos los medios necesarios. Por eso, buena parte del esfuerzo debe ser dedicado principalmente a la conservación de los medios y a su uso progresivo. Si lo hacemos as la consecusión de la meta está asegurada. El progreso hacia la meta es exactamente proporcional a la pureza de nuestros medios.
Esos medios son la oración, la puesta en práctica de un curso de entrenamiento de nuevos lderes, la fidelidad a los principios del trabajo celular, la transmisión de la visión y el constante cuidado de quienes se encuentran involucrados en el trabajo celular. En la medida que cuidemos de éstos detalles de manera meticulosa, aseguraremos el alcance de las metas que se hayan propuesto.
While attending a cell church conference at Bethany World Prayer Center in 1995, in his presentation titled, “Picture of a Pure Cell Church”, Brother Billy Hornsby taught:
1. It is imperative that we have a clear picture of what we want to be in our mature and final state. We can’t just hope that we end up that way; we must start out that way! To do so, we must have a mature template to follow throughout the entire process. A highly developed model can be reproduced endless number of times until the city is saturated with cell groups that are part of a predictable system where the Holy Spirit can move freely.
2. We need a predictable system to fully utilize the unpredictable people in our churches; people with different gifts, backgrounds, and temperaments.
3. Each component must be simple, easy to learn and have predictable results.
4. We cannot ask people to go out and create their own groups or ministries and expect a large percentage to be successful. We must plug them into a successful system. Example: 80% failure rate for small businesses compared to 80% success rate for franchise stores with proven systems.
With a proven system, we will have an 80% or better success rate.
P.S. Mario, who knows, maybe 14 years from now I’ll be quoting something you spoke about at the recent cell church symposium I attended in Waco 😉
Sharing the Journey,
Rick Diefenderfer
Rick, you probably will be quote something Mario said. If anyone can speak on goal setting from both a theoretical and practical standpoint, it’s Mario and Elim. The goals at Elim are systematic, fine-tuned, and do what they are intended to do: guide the church to penetrate a lost world through multiplying cells. Great job, Mario. Great job, Elim.