Let the Holy Spirit Guide Cell Homogeneity

by | Jun 22, 2010 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

by Mario Vega

There is no doubt that when the New Testament church met in houses, it had no major concerns about whether or not the meetings were homogeneous. For them, the meetings of Christian worship were for what they called their “oikos,” the extended family that included slaves.

It is obvious that the characteristics of their meetings corresponded to the social and economic conditions of their time. They settled on what was more natural at the time. Similarly, we should not try to force one type of homogeneity; rather we should let things happen naturally.

In our case, we began working with mixed cell and cells for women only. The leaders of the mixed cells were always men and the leader of a women’s cell was alwasy a woman. However, it was an artificial division. Over time we realized that many men preferred to go to a cell led by a woman. Now, the cells headed by women are also mixed cells.

Regarding the work with children, we have gone in the opposite direction. We began emphasizing intergenerational cells. However, it was difficult to maintain a suitable environment. Currently, we are developing children’s cells on a different time and at a different place than the adult cells. The result has been very successful. Please understand that I don’t disqualify intergenerational cells. I’m just sharing our experience.

In each case the Holy Spirit will guide the churches to what is best. And when that happens, things will occur naturally, without forcing them. They’ll run free like water finding its own way.



translation into Spanish

El Espritu Santo como modelador de las células.

Sin dudas que cuando la iglesia del Nuevo Testamento se reuna en las casas no tena mayores preocupaciones sobre si sus reuniones eran o no homogéneas. Para ellos, las reuniones de culto cristiano eran para lo que llamaban su “oikos”, la familia ampliada que inclua a los esclavos.

Es obvio que las caractersticas de sus reuniones correspondan a las condiciones sociales y económicas de su época. Ellas se acomodaron a lo que resultaba más natural en su momento. De igual manera, no debemos tratar de forzar nada sino permitir que las cosas sucedan con toda naturalidad.

En nuestro caso, comenzamos trabajando con células mixtas y células sólo para mujeres. Los lderes de las células mixtas siempre eran hombres en tanto que en las células para mujeres el lder siempre era una mujer. No obstante, se trataba de una división artificial. Con el tiempo nos dimos cuenta que muchos hombres preferan asistir a una célula dirigida por una mujer. Ahora, las células dirigidas por mujeres son también mixtas.

Pero, en cuanto al trabajo con los niños se ha caminado en la dirección inversa. Comenzamos enfatizando las células intergeneracionales. Sin embargo, era difcil conservar un ambiente adecuado. En la actualidad, estamos desarrollando las células infantiles en un lugar y horario diferente al de las de adultos. El resultado ha sido exitoso. No descalifico con ello a las células intergeneracionales. Solamente estoy compartiendo nuestra experiencia.

En cada caso el Espritu Santo ha de guiar a las iglesias a lo que les resulte mejor. Y cuando eso suceda, las cosas ocurrirán de manera natural. Sin forzarlas. Correrán libres como el agua que encuentra su propio camino.

1 Comment

  1. Joel Comiskey

    Mario’s blog covers NEW GROUND when he says, “There is no doubt that when the New Testament church met in houses, it had no major concerns about whether or not the meetings were homogeneous. For them, the meetings of Christian worship were for what they called their “oikos,” the extended family that included slaves.” In other words, the NT pattern was EXTENDED FAMILY GROUPS. This in itself is a type of homogeneity. I like how Mario brings out how these cells sprang up NATURALLY. good stuff.


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Mario Vega

Mario Vega

Senior leader for Elim International, www.elim.org.sv
