by Mario Vega
The collection of statistical data in Elim follows the natural order of the work structure, and it is divided among all its members. Here’s how it works:
- The leader fills out his or her cell report and gives it to the supervisor.
- The supervisor prepares a report of the cells in his sector based on the reports he has received from each of the leaders.
- The supervisor hands in his report to the zone pastor.
The zone pastor is a person already working full time for the church. The zone pastor prepares a report of his zone based on the reports from all his supervisors. Then he delivers his report to the district pastor. The district pastor also prepares a report based on the information given by his zone pastors.
Finally, the district pastors send their statistics to the secretary’s office where the data of the nine districts are added up to create a report of the whole church. This process is carried out every week and is part of the work routine of those involved in the cell work.
At Elim we do not use in any specialized software. We have not found a software program that perfectly meets our precise needs. Thus, the work is done manually up to the level of supervisors, using worksheets, and from there we input the data into our computer system.
Elim is a church with a full working structure and 25 years of experience. Through experience, we’ve found the necessity of having firm data each week. You can adapt the principles that we’ve learned to meet your own needs.
Translation into Spanish:
Recolección de estadsticas
La recolección de los datos estadsticos en Elim sigue el orden natural de la estructura de trabajo y se encuentra dividido entre todos sus integrantes. Veamos, el lder llena el reporte de su célula y lo entrega a su supervisor. El supervisor elabora un reporte de las células de su sector sobre la base de los reportes que ha recibido de cada uno de sus lderes. Luego, el supervisor entrega su reporte al pastor de zona.
El pastor de zona es ya una persona trabajando a tiempo completo para la iglesia. El pastor elabora un reporte de su zona sobre la base de los reportes de todos sus supervisores. Después entrega su reporte a su pastor de distrito. El pastor de distrito elabora, a su vez, un reporte sobre la base de la información que le han dado sus pastores de zona.
Por último, los pastores de distritos envan sus estadsticas a la secretara donde, sumando los datos de los nueve distritos, se elabora el reporte de toda la iglesia. Este proceso se realiza cada semana y es parte de la rutina de trabajo de los involucrados en la labor celular.
En Elim no utilizamos ninguna aplicación (software) especializada. No hemos encontrado una aplicación que llene cabalmente nuestras necesidades. El trabajo se hace hasta el nivel de supervisores de manera manual. De all en adelante se hace utilizando hojas electrónicas de cálculo.
Obviamente, Elim es una iglesia con una estructura de trabajo completa y con 25 años de experiencia. Eso permite tener datos firmes cada semana. Pero, algunos principios pueden extraerse y acoplarse a iglesias menos estructuradas.
International Cell Church Forum….
pastorglenn replied to you with the following:
“monitoring is really important in every church, especially on a weekly basis
where in people are always moving in and out of the cell.
Your church is doing it manually, wow. that’s a lot of work, i mean it
really need a full time worker just to do that. Can you send me a format of
your form as to what data should be included in monitoring. thanks a lot.”