The Parable of the Two Wing Church

by | Mar 15, 2012 | Uncategorized | 3 comments


by Mario Vega

In a cell course manual taught by Dr. Ralph Neighbour, I found the parable of the two wing church that illustrates the importance of balance between the celebration and the cell meeting:

A church with two wings was once created; it could fly high into the presence of God. One day the serpent, who had no wings, challenged the church to fly with one wing only, that is the large gathering wing. With much effort the church managed to fly, and the serpent strongly applauded it. With this experience, the church became convinced that it could fly very well with only one wing. God, the creator of the church, was very sad. The church with only one wing could barely rise above the ground, and it just flew in circles without being able to move from its point of origin. The church settled down and started to gain weight and became lazy, beaming with a purely earthly life. Finally, the creator formed a new church with its two wings. Once again God had a church that could fly into His presence and sing His joyful praises.

He, who has ears to hear, let him hear.


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La parábola de la iglesia de dos alas.

En un manual de un curso celular impartido por el Dr. Ralph Neighbour se encuentra la parábola de la iglesia de dos alas que ilustra la importancia de un equilibrio entre la celebración y la reunión de célula:

“Una vez fue creada una iglesia con dos alas, con las cuales, poda volar alto hasta la presencia de Dios. Un da la serpiente, que no tena alas, retó a la iglesia a volar solamente con una ala, con la de la reunión grande. Con mucho esfuerzo la iglesia logró volar y la serpiente le aplaudió fuertemente. Con tal experiencia la iglesia se convenció que poda volar muy bien con solo un ala.”

“Dios, el creador de la iglesia, estaba muy triste. La iglesia con solo un ala apenas poda elevarse sobre la tierra y solo volaba en crculos sin poder avanzar de su punto de origen. La iglesia se acomodó y comenzó a ganar peso y volverse perezosa, contenta con una vida puramente terrena.”

“Finalmente, el creador formó una nueva iglesia con sus dos alas. Una vez más Dios tena una iglesia que poda volar hasta su presencia y cantar sobre toda la tierra cumpliendo sus propósitos.” Quien tenga odos que oiga.


  1. Emiliano Sotelo

    Doy gracias a Dios primeramente por tener esta herramienta tan marivolla y a personas , como uds que tienen la pasion , por compartir con todos lo que Dios a puesto en sus corazones, Gracias que Dios le bendiga

  2. Joel Comiskey

    Jorge Dominguez Sosa says:

    Una excelente parabola para reflexionar sobre la importancia de la celebracion y las celulas

  3. Joel Comiskey

    Dr. Jose A. Chery writes:

    God bless all my partner ministers for their contribution in writing all those materials with new and fresh informations about the way God is dealings with the church movements to accomplish our main goal, to reach the nations. Right now I am gethering my leaders every week to work to become a complete celular church. The two wings church is being established as a practical way of doing mission in our new fast growing and challenging society. Thank you for your support


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Mario Vega

Mario Vega

Senior leader for Elim International,
